Recommendations approved.
Reasons for recommendations:
1. The preferred bidder is a reliable contractor Chorley Council have worked with numerous times and submitted the lowest priced bid for the works which were evaluated on a 100% cost basis.
2. The construction of this section of footpath has been highlighted as a priority by site users, Chorley Athletic and Triathlon Club and Astley Village Parish Council allowing a safe pedestrian and cycle provision to the site and connection to bus stops on Chancery Road.
3. Budget authority up to £60k is in place for the provision of footpaths at the West Way Sports Hub as part of the overall capital project
Other options considered and rejected:
None. The provision of a safe footpath connection to West Way Sports Hub has been identified as a priority by site users, Astley Village Parish Council and Chorley Athletic and Triathlon Club and the installation of this connection prior to the darker evenings starting in the autumn is sensible.