Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Astley Hall Complex - Provision of Cafe Facility20/03/2024For Determination27/03/2024
Approval of contract award for Housing Software18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
EMD - Members Mobile Device Refresh13/02/2025For Determination01/04/2025
Unit 19 Market Walk Chorley-Proposed renewal of Lease toSignet Trading Ltd. t/a H.Samuel28/02/2024For Determination
HR Policy Framework12/04/2024For Determination17/05/2024
EMD - Mimecast Email Security Renewal11/02/2025For Determination06/03/2025
Executive Member Approval for Urgent Update to the Cemetery Policy10/02/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Approval of contract award for Case Management Software18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Rural Grant - Rivington Hall Barn06/02/2025For Determination03/2025
Rural Grant - Brindle Distillery06/02/2025For Determination03/2025
Agency Agreement Chorley Leisure Ltd19/04/2024For Determination
Community right to bid - Blue Anchor public house05/02/2025For Determination03/2025
Strategy for Environmental Crime Prevention03/02/2025For Determination20/03/2025
Hardship Relief20/04/2023For Determination04/2023
Retail & Hospitality Grant - CK Jewellers31/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Policy Review: NNDR Discretionary Rate Relief Policy22/03/2024For Determination
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Mo's News31/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Grant of a 5 Year Lease to Safe World05/07/2024For Determination13/07/2023
Acquisition of Afghanistan Property No 127/01/2025For DeterminationBefore 03/02/2025
Astley Hall West Wing Renovations - Award of Contract24/01/2025For Determination12/06/2025
Astley Hall West Wing Renovations - Procurement Process24/01/2025For Determination01/03/2025
Grant of Lease to Panache Cruises for office 33 at Strawberry Fields10/07/2024For Determination17/07/2024
Approve an application for ERVS09/07/2021For Determination10/2022
Disposal of 3 Parking Spaces at Farrington Street Car Park Chorley04/07/2019For Determination10/2022
Shop Front Grant EMD - Brown Sugar20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Chorley BIG Grant - Pulsar Laser Studio20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Approval of contract award for Backup and DR18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of GIS (mapping)23/11/2021For Determination05/2024
Grant of a 3 year lease - Office GO-C- Strawberry Fields Digital Office Park15/01/2025For DeterminationBefore 15/02/2025
Applications to waive Council Tax Long-Term Empty Premium21/06/2023For Determination07/2023
Procurement decision for the marquees for Chorley Flower Show10/01/2025For Determination03/2025
Proposed Grant of Wayleave to EG Group-Land at Clayton Sports Centre17/06/2024For Determination24/06/2024
EMD - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Contract Approval19/12/2024For Determination26/01/2025
Procurement Restructure08/01/2024For Determination11/01/2024
Grafton Street Alley Gate10/10/2023For Determination20/10/2023
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Fist Call Communictions16/12/2024For Determination01/2025
Contract Award - Remediation & Demolition Works - Bengal Street Depot31/08/2023For Determination14/01/2024
Land at Southport Road/Balshaw Lane Euxton - request to use Open Space02/07/2024For DeterminationBefore 02/08/2024
Refresh Prevention of Homelessness Strategy - Sign off05/12/2024For Determination05/02/2025
Land at Eaves Green26/07/2023For Determination16/08/2023
Capital and Balance Sheet Monitoring Report Q328/11/2024For Determination13/02/2025
Grant of a 5 Year Lease to Jarion05/07/2024For Determination13/07/2023
Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group - Suicide Bereavement and Prevention12/11/2024For Determination13/02/2025
Adult Social Care Transformation Fund24/10/2024For Determination11/2024
Approval for the contract award for food waste vehicles11/10/2024For Determination12/2024
Elections Software Award of Contract08/05/2024For Determination07/05/2024
Approval for the contract award for Council depot waste services11/10/2024For Determination01/2025
Unit 17, Market Walk, Chorley-Renewal of Lease16/07/2024For DeterminationBefore 30/09/2024
Land Adjacent 75 Lancaster Street, Coppull08/10/2024For Determination08/10/2024
Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Replacement for Short Stay Car Park24/11/2023For Determination05/12/2023
Approval of contract award for Professional Services18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Enforcement Policy Review10/01/2025For Determination24/01/2025
Chorley BIG Grant - My Pet Physio05/02/2025For Determination03/2025
Approval of contract award for CCTV18/12/2023For Determination01/05/2024
Strawberry Fields Digital Office Hub - Grant of a Lease - Offices 33a 34 35 36 3709/06/2023For DeterminationBefore 07/07/2023
Procuement for marquees for Chorley Flower Show10/01/2025For Determination01/2025
Land Rear of 50 and 52 Fairview Drive Adlington03/09/2019For Determination09/2023
Decarbonisation & Improvement Work (Leisure Centres) - Consultant Appointment04/07/2023For Determination05/2024
Grant of a 6 Year Lease to Louise Davies for Salon Unit at Tatton Gardens10/07/2024For Determination17/07/2024
Approval for the contract award for tipper vans for Streetscene11/10/2024For Determination01/2025
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of Elections Software23/11/2021For Determination05/2024
Approval of contract award for ICT Helpdesk18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Temptations Ladieswear31/01/2025For Determination02/2025
HMO Minimum Amenity Standards and Conditions19/06/2024For Determination31/07/2024
Approval of contract award for Email archiving/journaling18/12/2023For Determination29/01/2024
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of In Cab CCTV and Driver Technology27/10/2022For Determination05/2024
Managed Utility Procurement13/09/2024For Determination14/11/2024
Grant of Lease – Primrose Gardens Café02/09/2024For DeterminationBefore 02/10/2024
Appointment of Consultant to Prepare Proposal and Specification of Decarbonisation and Improvement Works at Leisure Centres Managed by Chorley Leisure Limited29/06/2023For Determination29/06/2023
Adoption of revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy02/05/2023For Determination07/2023
Extra Care Policies18/05/2022For Determination10/2022
Kiosk/Cafe Coronation Recreation Ground Chorley10/08/2020For Determination10/2022
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Rock N Blues Bar04/10/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Approval for the contract award for trade waste collections from Council buildings and Market Walk11/10/2024For Determination01/2025
Grant of a 3 year lease - Office 32 Strawberry Fields Digital Office Park19/09/2024For DeterminationBefore 19/10/2024
Council Tax Discretionary Hardship Policy30/04/2024For Determination13/06/2024
Land off Old School Lane,Adlington-Proposed Grant of Farm Business Tenancy Agreement17/09/2024For Determination10/2024
Approval of contract award for Payment provider18/12/2023For Determination22/01/2024
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of CCTV Support06/07/2023For Determination01/05/2024
Gillet Playing Fields Pitch Improvement Tender Evaluation Criteria15/05/2024For Determination30/05/2024
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of Meeting Room Technology14/12/2021For Determination05/2024
Chorley Cemetery Toilet Refurbishment16/01/2024For Determination13/02/2024
Approval of contract award for Patching and Vulnerability Management18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Approval of contract award for Waste Management Software18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Proposed Renewal of Lease - Newsagents Kiosk Chorley Interchange18/04/2024For DeterminationBefore 23/05/2024
Ackhurst Redevelopment (Depot) - Main Contractor Contract Award05/12/2024For Determination20/02/2025
All Seasons Leisure Centre Improvements - Contract Award Stage 218/06/2024For Determination29/08/2024
Housing Strategy refresh sign-off14/02/2025For DeterminationBefore 21/02/2025
Business Engagement Grants21/07/2022For Determination10/2022
Contract Award - Professional Design Team (Depot Relocation Ackhurst Site)31/08/2023For Determination20/10/2023
Citrix Virtual Desktop Renewal07/02/2025For Determination13/02/2025
FortiNet Domain Renewal Contract Award14/02/2025For Determination14/03/2025
Grant of a Lease - Office 23 Strawberry Fields Digital Office Park09/12/2024For DeterminationBefore 09/01/2025
Approval of contract award for GIS18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of AV Equipment02/08/2022For Determination05/2024
Food Hygiene Rating- Re-Inspection Fee06/06/2024For Determination19/06/2024
Policy Review: National Non-Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief Policy23/05/2024For Determination26/06/2024
Building Maintenance Framework - Contract Awards16/12/2024For Determination13/02/2025
Lease of Cafe Coach House Astley Park11/12/2018For Determination10/2022
Brookfield and Ingholme - Agreement for Compensation for Release of Restrictive Covenant23/11/2022For Determination30/11/2022
Shop Front Grant EMD - 119/121 Market Street17/09/2024For Determination10/2024
Revenue Budget Monitoring Report Q328/11/2024For Determination13/02/2025
Mutual Agreement17/11/2023For Determination09/11/2023
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Krishan Jewellers20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Grant of a Lease - Office 7 Strawberry Fields Digital Office Park08/10/2024For DeterminationBefore 09/11/2024
Shop Front Grant26/08/2020For Determination10/2022
Creation of a Shared Animal Welfare and Pest Control Service12/02/2025For Determination23/02/2025
Contract Award to Essensys Ltd Request06/07/2023For Determination05/2024
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Create & Sew Studio31/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Holiday Activity and Food Programme 2025-2612/02/2025For DeterminationBefore 28/02/2025
Shop Mobility Core Funding28/05/2024For Determination19/06/2024
Retail & Hospitality Grant - Simply Floors Chorley20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Retail & Hospitality Grant - The Fragrance Counter31/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Merchant Services Contract Award18/06/2024For Determination04/10/2024
Public Health Funerals Policy16/03/2023For Determination04/04/2023
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Contract Approval19/12/2024For Determination13/02/2025
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Entering Legal Agreements to Secure Offsite BNG20/01/2025For Determination20/03/2025
Chorley BIG Grant - Northcotes20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Approval for the Contract Award for the Procurement of ICT Helpdesk Solution23/11/2021For Determination09/2023
Chorley BIG Grant - Ebb & Flo Bookshop20/01/2025For Determination02/2025
Approval of contract award for Managed Services18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Approval of contract award for ICT Hardware18/12/2023For Determination31/01/2024
Shop Front Grant EMD - Lennys Barbershop04/10/2024For Determination11/2024
Grant of a lease - Office 33 Strawberry Fields Digital Office Park18/07/2024For Determination17/08/2024
Lancashire's Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) - Supporting Authority Duties16/12/2024For Determination30/01/2025