Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Chorley North West;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/01/2025
Reason for urgency:
Approval to the new lease terms is required as a matter of urgency because, due the complexity of the changes in the initial Heads of Terms it has taken a much longer time that usual to complete a final acceptable version of the EMD report
The tenant has the option to refer the matter to Court for determination following the service of the Section 26 Notice. This Notice triggers court proceedings to determine the rent but parties can agree to submit requests for extension of time to the Court
The last extension is due to expire shortly and that will trigger the Court setting out their processes to determine the case. The tenants have informed the Council that they will not agree to any further extension of time in submitting the matter to Court for determination
This would prove a costly arrangement for the Council but if approval can be granted under urgent action it would be feasible to have the lease completed
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 21 Jan 2025 by Executive Member (Resources)
Lead member: Executive Member (Resources)
Lead director: Director (Property and Planning)
Contact: Charles Fifield, Senior Estates Surveyor Email:, Michael Forster, Estates and Assets Manager Email:, Catherine Jagger, Estates Officer Email: