Decision details

Changes to Structure for the Town Centre and Markets

Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.         To approve for consultation the new structure (Appendix B). 

2.         That following consultation, subject to only minor alterations, the final decision to implement the proposals are delegated to the Executive Member for Homes and Business and supported by the HR team.


The Executive Member (Homes and Business) presented a report which sought approval to consult on a new staffing structure for the Chorley Markets team.


The proposed structure was designed to enable the better delivery of markets and town centre services due to increased operational scope, future service improvements and additional projects.


A number of changes including the creation of a new post and revised working patterns had been included.


Decision made

1.         Approval granted for consultation on the new structure (Appendix B).

2.         Approval granted that following consultation, subject to only minor alterations, the final decision to implement the proposals be delegated to the Executive Member for Homes and Business supported by the HR team.


Reason(s) for decision

To support the delivery and implementation of the Market Operational Review which began early 2012 to ensure the service is fit for the future.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected

1.         To continue as we are.

a, Rejected - the service has no flexibility in capacity for future market service improvements or additional projects.

2.         To employ an additional position of ‘Markets and Town Centre Coordinator’ and ‘Market and Event Team Leader’ whilst deleting the ‘Markets Coordinator’ post and leaving all other ‘Market Officer’ posts as existing.

a, Rejected – this would lead to additional staffing costs and the Market Officer posts would remain inflexible in regards to working availability and providing toilet cover.

Publication date: 19/10/2012

Date of decision: 18/10/2012

Decided at meeting: 18/10/2012 - Executive Cabinet

Effective from: 03/11/2012

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