Decision details

Key Partnerships Monitoring Report

Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That the report be noted.


The Executive Member for Economic Development and Governance presented a confidential report updating Members on the performance of the council’s key partnership arrangements.


The key partnerships performance report had been produced in accordance with the requirements of the council’s key partnerships framework.  It informed Members of the performance of the council’s key partnerships against targets set for the current year, any emerging issues including whether the contract was on budget or subject to any overspend or underspend of budget.  It also gave an assessment of the key partner’s financial strength and stability.


Overall performance of all of the key partnerships was generally strong and the financial assessments of the partnerships were positive, with the financial standing of all key partnerships either remaining the same or improving.


Decision made

That the report be noted.


Reason(s) for decision

To ensure effective monitoring of the council’s key partnerships.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected

No alternative options considered.

Report author: Victoria Willett

Publication date: 24/03/2014

Date of decision: 20/03/2014

Decided at meeting: 20/03/2014 - Executive Cabinet

Effective from: 01/04/2014

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