Decision Maker: Executive Member (Resources)
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Recommendations approved.
Reasons for recommendations:
1. ABJFC have the ability to use volunteers to undertake the additional specific maintenance required to keep the pitches in peak condition throughout the playing season allowing for a financially sustainable long term maintenance model.
2. The long term leasing of the pitches to ABJFC allows the club, as a voluntary organisation, to access grant funding from Lancashire FA not available to the Council for machinery, goalposts, and ongoing maintenance costs to maintain the highest quality pitch provision on the site.
3. Provisions within the lease will ensure that local residents continue to be able to use the playing fields – with restrictions on the use of the pitches themselves during training and matches.
Other options considered and rejected:
Retention of the pitches in Chorley Council’s responsibility was given due consideration, however, Chorley Council’s Grounds Maintenance team are unable to provide the ongoing level of maintenance required to justify the investments which have been made in the grass pitches in terms of primary & secondary drainage systems and playing surface.
Publication date: 26/10/2022
Date of decision: 26/10/2022
Effective from: 03/11/2022
Accompanying Documents: