Decision Maker: Executive Member (Resources)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Recommendations approved.
Reasons for recommendations
1. To implement the council’s decision to purchase properties in delivery of the Chorley residential property acquisition strategy.
2. To purchase properties for Refugee Resettlement Programme for:
a. Single repatriation
b. 10 refugee families
3. To enable Chorley Council to support the resettlement and integration of refugees into the borough in high quality homes.
Other options considered and rejected
4. To source properties from the private rented sector and develop five-year legal agreements negating the need for Chorley Council to procure any additional properties. This was previously rejected due to insecure tenancy and possible poor-quality housing provision.
Publication date: 19/12/2022
Date of decision: 19/12/2022
Effective from: 04/01/2023
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