Decision details

Procurement Restructure

Decision Maker: Executive Member (Resources)

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Recommendations approved


Reasons for recommendation

There is a need to increase the capacity of the Procurement team. The team is struggling at times to meet its business-as-usual requirements. Further – for the reasons out lined in the report – there is a desire for the team to adopt a more transformational approach. The proposals should be seen as an invest to save option. It is expected that a Procurement team that is enabled to take a more strategic pro active view should be able to generate substantial savings for both councils.


Other options considered and rejected

Various options are set out and discussed in the report

Publication date: 12/01/2024

Date of decision: 12/01/2024

Effective from: 23/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: