Decision details

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2017/18 Report 3 (end of December 2017)

Decision Maker: Executive Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.    That the full year forecast position for the 2017/18 revenue budget and capital investment programme be noted.

2.    That the forecast position on the Council’s reserves be noted.

3.    That Council be requested to approve the contribution of £60,000 from in-year revenue underspends to the Buildings Maintenance Reserve to finance one-off costs relating to the Council’s maintenance of offices and buildings.

4.    That the Council be requested to approve the contribution of £100,000 from in-year revenue underspends to the Change Management Reserve to finance one-off redundancy and pension strain costs arising from transformation and shared services strategies.

5.    Approval for the contribution of £40,000 from in-year revenue underspends to fund the revenue implications of future planning appeals.

6.    Approval for the use of £40,000 from in-year revenue underspends to provide the council with external expertise for the furthering of income generation.

7.    That Council be requested to approve the contribution of £130,000 from in-year revenue underspends to enable the modernisation of the Council’s ICT and Streetscene services.

8.    That Council be requested to approve the budget changes to the capital programme outlined in paragraph 70 of he report.

Report author: James Thomson

Publication date: 20/02/2018

Date of decision: 15/02/2018

Decided at meeting: 15/02/2018 - Executive Cabinet

Effective from: 24/02/2018

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