54 Select Move Policy Review 2022 PDF 170 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.
Additional documents:
1. To approve the policy enabling the Select Move partnership to consult on the policy.
2. To agree that any changes following the consultation are delegated for approval to the Executive Member for Homes and Housing.
Councillor Terry Howarth, Executive Member (Homes and Housing) presented the report of the Director of Communities which seeks permission to consult on the new draft policy following the review of the allocations policy by the Select Move Steering Group.
As part of the Select Move policy review, changes are proposed to improve how Social housing across the partnership is delivered. Members noted the proposed changes, as outlined in detail in the appendices, which will be subject to consultation for a period of 10 to 12 weeks.
On the 10 November 2022 Executive Cabinet accepted all the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Select Move Task group. Members recognised that this Cabinet report is not the Cabinet response to those recommendations, but the Select Move Partnership has taken into account the recommendations of the Task group when proposing amendments to the policy. The Task group were thanked for their thorough review.
1. To approve the policy enabling the Select Move partnership to consult on the policy.
2. To agree that any changes following the consultation are delegated for approval to the Executive Member for Homes and Housing.
Reasons for recommendations
To fulfil the Council’s Part VI statutory duties and review the Housing Allocation policy by maximising the allocation of properties to households who are in the most need and to those that can demonstrate a local connection to the borough.
Other options considered and rejected
The policy could remain unchanged, however, there is a requirement to keep the policy under review and ensure that it is fit for purpose and meets the Council’s statutory duties.