To receive and consider the report of the Director of Customer and Digital.
1. To approve the contract award procedure of an open invitation to tender advertised on the Council’s procurement website, Chest. Tenders will be evaluated to establish the most economically advantageous tender based on 70% cost, 15% quality and 15% social value.
2. To delegate to the Executive Member for Resources authority to approve the award of the contract to the winning bidder based upon the evaluation criteria.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources) presented the report of the Director of Customer and Digital which seeks approval for the contract award procedure and evaluation criteria for the two-year contract to undertake trade waste collections from Council buildings and markets.
The Council as a business has a duty of care to ensure any waste it produces is collected and disposed of correctly. This includes waste from its offices, community centres, Chorley Markets and Market Walk shopping centre. The three leisure centres along with the new Westway sports site are now operated by Chorley Leisure, will be included in the contract specification but service costs for these sites will be recharged to Chorley Leisure.
Members noted that the current contract will end on 31 March 2023 and new arrangements need to be put in place. The tender period for the new contract is for two years to start on 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025. The estimate of the total contract value over two years is around £150,000. Evaluation of the tender will be on an 70% cost, 15% quality, 15% social value ratio.
1. To approve the contract award procedure of an open invitation to tender advertised on the Council’s procurement website, Chest. Tenders will be evaluated to establish the most economically advantageous tender based on 70% cost, 15% quality and 15% social value.
2. To delegate to the Executive Member for Resources authority to approve the award of the contract to the winning bidder based upon the evaluation criteria.
Reasons for recommendations:
Under the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules approval by the Executive Cabinet for contract award for tenders greater than £100,000 is required.
Other options considered and rejected:
To not agree contract award procedure would fail to comply with the Council’s Procurement rules.