2023-25 Community Commissioning Procurement - Approval to Tender
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.
1. To approve the tendering approach and evaluation criteria as outlined in the report
2. To agree to award the contracts via executive member decision following the procurement process
3. To approve not to apply social value weighting using TOM’s methodology and submission through the social value portal for Advice Services commission due to the nature of services to be delivered via SME’s / VCFSE organisations and embedded social value that will be within service specifications.
Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member (Early Intervention) presented the confidential report of the Director of Communities which seeks approval to proceed to tender for services to be commissioned from the voluntary, community, faith social enterprise sector (VCFSE). It also provides details of commissioning review and overview of all planned commissioned services for 2023-25.
1. To approve the tendering approach and evaluation criteria as outlined in the report
2. To agree to award the contracts via executive member decision following the procurement process
3. To approve not to apply social value weighting using TOM’s methodology and submission through the social value portal for Advice Services commission due to the nature of services to be delivered via SME’s / VCFSE organisations and embedded social value that will be within service specifications.
Reasons for recommendations
1. To ensure services within the VCFSE sector receive funding to deliver services that meet the needs of the community.
2. The overall contract value of the Advice Services contract will be worth more than £100k, therefore it is important in order to conform to procurement rules and demonstrate transparency that Member approval is obtained.
Other options considered and rejected
To not award any funding would have a negative impact on those within communities who need support.