Issue - meetings

Lancashire 2050 Framework

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Council (Item 74)

74 Lancashire 2050 Framework pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Chief Executive. 

Additional documents:


1.    Council endorse the outline Lancashire 2050 strategic framework as the strategic framework that will guide further development of shared detailed priorities and actions.

2.    Agreed that the Leader of the Council continues to work with Lancashire Leaders in line with the principles already agreed by the Council in January 2022 including that the Leader will make representations to that forum any matters arising from Full Council’s consideration of the report.

3.    Any additional proposals will require further approval by Full Council at the appropriate time.


The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley presented the report of the Chief Executive that sought to present the work undertaken towards the development of strengthened joint working across Lancashire, a strategic framework and seek agreement on the adoption of collective priority areas.


Councillor Bradley explained that the framework was the result of collaboration of all Local Authorities within Lancashire and it outlined the aspirations and ambitions held for Lancashire.


The framework was received positively by members who supported the document and principles contained within it, it was acknowledged that collaborative working within Lancashire would bring more prospects and better outcomes for residents.


The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley proposed and the Executive Member for Resources, Councillor Peter Wilson seconded, and it was Resolved (Unanimously)


1.    Council endorse the outline Lancashire 2050 strategic framework as the strategic framework that will guide further development of shared detailed priorities and actions.

2.    Agreed that the Leader of the Council continues to work with Lancashire Leaders in line with the principles already agreed by the Council in January 2022 including that the Leader will make representations to that forum any matters arising from Full Council’s consideration of the report.

3.    Any additional proposals will require further approval by Full Council at the appropriate time.