65 2023/24 Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) PDF 295 KB
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.
1. To approve that Chorley Council, take on lead responsibility for the delivery of the Holiday Activity Food programme for 2023 within Chorley and receive £288,622 funding budget associated with the programme from LCC.
2. To approve that we commission the delivery of HAF 2023 to Chorley Inspire Youth Zone with a Chorley Council Officer within Communities Team whom will work closely alongside partners to oversee the programme, ensuring all expected delivery is on track and all intended monitoring is achieved.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented the report of the Director of Communities on behalf of Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member for Early Intervention. The report provided an update on delivery of Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF) 2022 over the Easter, Summer and Christmas school holiday periods. The report also provided details of the Holiday Activity Programme for 2023 and proposed delivery and seeks approval to receive funding of £288,622 from LCC and undertake the delivery of HAF 2023 using the identified delivery model.
LCC have approached Chorley Council to deliver the HAF 2023 programme following the successful completion of delivery of HAF 2022. The delivery for 2023 would follow a similar model as last year and utilise our key local delivery partners within Chorley. Lessons learned will be implemented to build on the successes of 2022.
Chorley has 2588 children aged 4-16 receiving free school meals. The programme will help address child food poverty during the school holidays and help support many families who struggle during this time.
Members noted the strong links with Chorley Inspire Youth Zone, who have been key to the successful delivery of the previous programmes, and it was recommended to continue with their commission for 2023. Members thanked the Communities Team for all the work delivered over the last couple of years with Covid-19 and the cost of living crisis.
Following discussion, it was agreed that a list of all schools included in the scheme would be sent out to all members. Members were encouraged to provide information on potential schools to be involved in the scheme in their specific wards to ensure the council are targeting the right areas with the highest number of children in need of free school meals. Officers would also write back out to schools as well as working with members and the Youth Zone.
1. To approve that Chorley Council, take on lead responsibility for the delivery of the Holiday Activity Food programme for 2023 within Chorley and receive £288,622 funding budget associated with the programme from LCC.
2. To approve that we commission the delivery of HAF 2023 to Chorley Inspire Youth Zone with a Chorley Council Officer within Communities Team whom will work closely alongside partners to oversee the programme, ensuring all expected delivery is on track and all intended monitoring is achieved.
Reasons for recommendations
1. Lancashire County Council are keen to follow the same model of delivery as last year and work with Chorley Council to deliver the programme locally.
2. The relationship between Chorley Council and LCC worked well for HAF 2021 and HAF 2022 and it would be recommended to continue this model going forward. This ensures we have a level of control over delivery locally, can monitor provision and identify need across the borough.
3. There are strong links with Chorley Inspire Youth Zone, and they have been key to the successful delivery of the previous programmes, and we would recommend we continue with their commission for ... view the full minutes text for item 65