Issue - meetings

Determination of Application to Vary a Premises Licence- Inn the Doghouse, 20 Church Street, Adlington

Meeting: 05/04/2023 - Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee (Item 6)

6 Determination of Application to Vary a Premises Licence- Inn the Doghouse, 20 Church Street, Adlington pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Report of the Chief Executive enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report for the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee advising members of an application to vary a premises licence in respect of Inn the Doghouse, 20 Church Street, Adlington, regarding which, relevant representations had been received.


The applicant, Escape Bars Ltd, represented by Kris Dawber and the designated premises supervisor, Andrew Howarth, were in attendance.


Mr Nathan Howson, Enforcement Team leader (Licensing) was in attendance.


Presentation of the Report


Mr Nathan Howson, Enforcement Team leader (Licensing) presented the committee report which gave details of an application received on 14.2.2023 to vary a premises licence in respect of Inn the Doghouse, 20 Church Street, Adlington. The premises was first licensed in May 2018 under the name JR’s Ale House.


Following this, and in September 2022, the premises licence was transferred and the DPS varied into the current holders, with the name changing to Inn the Doghouse.


The application sought to vary the premises licence as follows:


a) Extend the opening hours of the premises by 1.5hrs, Mon- Sun, 10:00- 23:30hrs,

b) Extend the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol by 1hr, Mon- Sun, 10:00-23:00hrs,

c) The addition of the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises (the licence

already authorises the sale for consumption on the premises),

d) Variation of the plans of the premises to incorporate minor amendments, and

e) Remove the following outdated and/or unenforceable conditions:

· No drunk or disorderly behaviour on the premises.

· No violence or anti-social behaviour.

· No harm to children.

· Opening times displayed for licensable activity.

· All staff areas will be secured.

· A heating and air conditioning system will be in place.

· Smoking will be allowed to the front of the premises.

· A noise management policy will be in place.


The report indicated that a representation was received on 27.2.23. A copy of the representation was appended at Appendix 4 to the report and was concerned with the Prevention of Public Nuisance objective.


On 13.03.23, a further representation was received. A copy of the representation was appended at Appendix 5 and was concerned with both the Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Prevention of Crime and Disorder objectives.

Mr Howson informed the Sub Committee that although the parties who had submitted written representations objecting to the application were not in attendance, the Sub Committee must give due consideration to those representations.


The report stated although Lancashire Constabulary did not make a representation, negotiations were carried out with the premises licence holder which resulted in the agreement for additional conditions to be imposed on the licence. A copy of these conditions was appended at Appendix 6.


The report further stated that no other representations were received from the other responsible authorities.


During questions from the Sub Committee, Mr Howson confirmed that no complaints had been received by the Council’s Licensing Team in respect of the premises prior to the written representations made to the current application to vary the premises licence.


There were no questions to Mr Howson from the applicant.


Representations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6