Issue - meetings

Property and Assets Management System - Contract Award

Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Executive Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Property and Assets Management System - Contract Award

To receive and consider the report of the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Digital.


1.    To approve the award of contract to Civica Property Management (CPM) via a direct award utilising the Crown Commercial Services Framework on a five-year contract term.

2.    To note the requirement for the creation of two new temporary shared posts within the Commercial Services directorate to support data validation, data capture, data entry and overall adoption of the Property and Assets Management system.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented the confidential report of the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Digital which updates Members on the requirement for a Property and Assets Management system, seeks approval to award the contract, and advises Members on the additional resourcing required to support the adoption of the system.



1.    To approve the award of contract to Civica Property Management (CPM) via a direct award utilising the Crown Commercial Services Framework on a five-year contract term.

2.    To note the requirement for the creation of two new temporary shared posts within the Commercial Services directorate to support data validation, data capture, data entry and overall adoption of the Property and Assets Management system.


Reasons for recommendations:

1.    Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council Property and Assets teams now operate within the Shared Service model.

2.    To make further improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the service across both Councils there is a clear need to introduce a property asset management solution. Currently each authority operates with a series of stand alone databases, utilising different systems of records management. The benefits of a single property management system are detailed later in this report.

3.    A report to both Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council Executive Cabinet meetings in November 2022 sought approval of the procurement routes for numerous ICT software solutions, including the procurement route for a Property and Assets Management system.

4.    Included in this report was the procurement of Civica Property Management (previously known as Technology Forge) with procuring the solution via a direct award approved at the cabinet meeting.

5.    Discussions have now taken place with Crown Commercial Services (CCS) regarding a direct award utilising their framework. CCS have confirmed that a direct award via their framework is permissible and a compliant route to market due to the software being intrinsically linked as Technology Forge, which is now known as Civica Property Management already in use at Chorley Council.


Other options considered and rejected:

1.    A further competitive procurement exercise was considered but rejected. This was rejected as Technology Forge (now known as Civica Property Management) is already in use at Chorley Council. Time is of the essence with a direct award saving time on the procurement of a Property and Assets Management system.

2.    A specification document and a series of questions have been sent to Civica Property Management to ensure the solution meets both Councils requirements. The responses were acceptable, and there is confidence that the solution allows for best value to be achieved in line with Contract Procedure Rules via a direct award to Civica Property Management

3.    The current financial system used at both Councils is a Civica product. With the Property and Assets system also being a Civica product this allows for more simplified integration between the two systems. Should the Council procure an alternative property and asset management system there would be additional costs associated with integrating with our financial system. As  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15