Issue - meetings

CIL – Instalments Policy

Meeting: 12/09/2013 - Executive Cabinet (Item 86)

86 Community Infrastructure Levy – Instalments Policy pdf icon PDF 440 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy (enclosed). 


Recommendation approved.


The Executive Member (LDF and Planning) presented a report requesting the adoption of an instalments policy associated with the implementation of CIL.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was a new charge on some forms of built development; it allowed a charging authority to levy a charge on owners or developers carrying out built development so that they contribute to the costs of providing the infrastructure needed to support development of the area.


It would fund infrastructure projects such as transport, education, leisure and health which were set out in a published list known as a Regulation 123 list.  The levy would be charged at a rate of pounds per square metre, based upon net additional internal floorspace of any given development for uses identified in the Charging Schedule.


Although CIL would replace Section 106 in terms of ‘off site infrastructure’ associated with new built developments, S106 would still apply particularly in relation to larger schemes to mitigate the impacts of that specific development subject to certain tests.


Decision made

That the Instalments Policy as set out in Appendix 1 of this report be adopted by the authority with CIL charging commencing from 1September 2013.


Reason(s) for decision

The DCLG CIL Regulations 2013 allow a charging authority to set its own payment deadlines and/or offer the option of paying by instalments.  If it wishes to do this it must publish an instalments policy on its website.  The majority of authorities that have adopted CIL have adopted such a policy.  The policy will support developers bringing forward new schemes.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected
