Issue - meetings

Little Acorns Item 3e

Meeting: 18/07/2017 - Development Control Committee (Item 292)

292 17/00468/FUL - The Little Acorns Nursery, 34 Sheep Hill Lane, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, PR6 7JH pdf icon PDF 271 KB

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Full planning permission refused.


Registered speakers: Lesley Gregory (objector) and Peter Hindle (applicant)


RESOLVED (unanimously) – That full planning permission be refused for the reasons outlined below.


Reasons: The proposal would conflict with Policy ST4 of the Chorley Local Plan due to insufficient on-site parking and it was considered that the harm caused by the proposed development through the resultant increase in on-street parking would outweigh the benefits of the proposal.


It was considered that the proposed increase in children from 55 to 71 would result in additional vehicles visiting the premises and an increase in demand for on-street parking on Sheep Hill Lane and The Clough. The associated comings and goings of increased vehicles to the nursery seeking on-street parking would result in additional noise, disturbance and increased levels of general activity on nearby roads to the detriment of nearby residents. The proposed development is therefore contrary to one of the twelve core planning principles of the National Planning Policy Framework that requires a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings.