Issue - meetings

Acquisition of Former Hyatt Restaurant, Dole Lane and Proposed Lease to Chorley Little Theatre

Meeting: 10/04/2018 - Council (Item 517)

Acquisition of Former Hyatt Restaurant, Dole Lane and Proposed Lease to Chorley Little Theatre

Report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth)

Additional documents:


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources) presented the report of the Director of Business, Development and Growth.  The report sought approval to purchase the building known as the former Hyatt Restaurant premises on the terms indicated in the report and shown edged red on the attached plan. 


The report also sought approval for a new Lease to be granted to the Chorley Little Theatre for the Hyatt Premises to be able to be occupied in connection with their use of the Chorley Little Theatre for studio space, rehearsals and storage.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources proposed, Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Leader seconded the DECISION – 

1.         That Council allocate the budget to be used for the purposes of purchasing the freehold of the Hyatt, 1 Dole Lane, Chorley.

2.         That Council note that on 15 March the Executive Cabinet resolved

a. To proceed with the freehold purchase of the Hyatt Premises, 1 Dole Lane, Chorley, PR7 2RL within the time frame so that preparations can be implemented by the Chorley Little Theatre for expansion and rehearsal rooms.

b. That authority is to be delegated to the Executive Member for Resources to negotiate the terms of the lease with the Chorley Little Theatre in accordance with those provisionally agreed and contained at paragraph 17.

c. That the Head of Legal, Democratic and HR Services be authorised to complete the documentation for both the purchase of the freehold from the existing vendor and complete the documentation for a Lease on terms to be negotiated in accordance with paragraph 2 to the Chorley Little Theatre.

Meeting: 15/03/2018 - Executive Cabinet (Item 27)

Acquisition of Former Hyatt Restaurant, Dole Lane and Proposed Lease to Chorley Little Theatre

Report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth)

Additional documents:


Approval of the recommendations granted.


The Executive Member (Resources) presented the report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth) that sought approval to purchase the building known as the Hyatt Restaurant premises on the terms indicated in the report and shown, edged in red on the attached plan.


The report also sought approval of a new lease to be granted to Chorley Little Theatre for the Hyatt premises to be able to be occupied in connection with their use of the Chorley Little Theatre for studio space, rehearsals and storage.


The expansion of the rehearsal rooms would allow the theatre to work with more young people and encourage more volunteering in this field. It was also noted that this area of Chorley was designated as an entertainment area on the Town Centre Masterplan.



1.    Approval for the Council to proceed with the freehold purchase of the Hyatt premises, 1 Dole Lane, Chorley PR7 2RL by the 31 March 2018 so that preparations can be implemented by the Chorley Little Theatre for its expansion and rehearsal rooms.

2.    Delegated authority granted to the Executive Member (Resources) to negotiate the terms of the lease with the Chorley Little Theatre in accordance with those provisionally agreed and contained at paragraph 17 of the report.

3.    Delegated authority granted to the Head of Legal, Democratic and HR to complete the documentation for both purchase of the freehold from the existing vendor and complete the documentation for a Lease on terms to be negotiated with Chorley Little Theatre.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

1.    The Council will secure the delivery of a valuable historic community asset to the Chorley Borough, enabling theatre goers to continue to enjoy the community benefits that this theatre currently brings including plays, comedy acts, musical events, historical events and other community groups. The additional space should encourage other volunteers and give more scope for several productions and volunteers at the same time.

2.    The addition of the Hyatt Premises will also encourage future generations to develop skills in theatre and production work by continuing to provide these opportunities to the Chorley Youth Theatre. The inclusion of the subject building with the existing theatre will also assist with disabled access and older generations to volunteer as the premises are not accessed by steps. Long term the buildings may be merged and developed to provide the Box Office.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

To not proceed with the purchase of the Hyatt Premises would mean that the Council and the Chorley Little Theatre miss out on a valuable opportunity to acquire adjoining premises in the right location and a building that is suitable for future adaptation and merging with the existing theatre. This is of benefit to all the community and theatre goers which will result in the continued successful delivery of the Chorley Little Theatre.