132 Cowling Farm Site
To consider and receive the report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth).
1. To acknowledge the risk associated with the delivery programme for the gypsy and traveller allocation.
2. To note the further works to be undertaken to review options for the site.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources), presented the confidential report of the Director (Business Development and Growth) which updates Members on the progress of bringing forward the Employment site at Cowling Farm which incorporates the gypsy and traveller allocation for the Linfoot Family currently residing at Hut Lane.
1. To acknowledge the risk associated with the delivery programme for the gypsy and traveller allocation.
2. To note the further works to be undertaken to review options for the site.
Reasons for Recommendation(s):
Progress works to look at alternative delivery options for Council Land at Cowling Farm.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Continue to progress with the proposed Employment scheme with gypsy and traveller allocation which would result in a loss to the Council.