Issue - meetings

Regulatory Services Restructure Proposals

Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Executive Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Regulatory Services Restructure Proposals

To consider and receive the report of the Director (Early Intervention and Support).

Additional documents:


1.    To approve the proposed structure and formal consultation.

2.    That the Executive Member for Early Intervention be given delegated responsibility for approving the final structure following the period of formal consultation, subject to there being no significant changes to those proposed within this report.


Chris Sinnott, Director (Early Intervention and Support) presented the confidential report which outlines the proposed changes to the structure and provision of services currently offered by the Regulatory Service Team alongside decisions specifically detailing the Pest Control and Stray Dogs Service.



1.    To approve the proposed structure and formal consultation.

2.    That the Executive Member for Early Intervention be given delegated responsibility for approving the final structure following the period of formal consultation, subject to there being no significant changes to those proposed within this report.


Reasons for Recommendation(s)

To underline the focus of this diverse team as a key service for the delivery of the Council’s Public Health and Integrated Community Wellbeing priorities, demonstrating the Council’s commitment to early intervention, support and public protection.


Alternative options considered and rejected

As set out in the report.