63 Insurance Portfolio Contract Award
To receive and consider the report of the Director of Governance.
1. To agree the appointment of the insurance companies identified for the respective classes of insurance from the 01 January 2022.
2. To approve the further expenditure to obtain the Terrorism policy, this will be in the region of £10k.
Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources), presented the confidential report of the Director of Governance which provides a summary of the detailed tender evaluation results and seeks agreement to proceed to award based on the outcome.
1. To agree the appointment of the insurance companies identified for the respective classes of insurance from the 01 January 2022.
2. To approve the further expenditure to obtain the Terrorism policy, this will be in the region of £10k.
Reasons for recommendation(s):
1. A comprehensive and fair evaluation of the price and quality aspect of all received bids has been undertaken, clarification has been sought where appropriate and the findings provide like for like cover based on existing policies.
2. It is essential that the Council has quality, cost effective insurance cover in place beyond 31 December 2021 when the current LTA’s lapse.
Alternative options considered and rejected:
This exercise involved the use of a procurement framework, Member agreement has previously been sought to undertake this approach over a more traditional tendering method.