106 Central Lancashire Local Plan Update PDF 254 KB
Report of the Central Lancashire Planning Local Plan Coordinator (enclosed).
Carolyn Williams, Central Lancashire Local Plan Co-Ordinator, presented the report which provided Members with an update on the progress of the development of the Central Lancashire Local Plan.
The Central Lancashire Local Plan Issues and Options consultation received a total of 1606 stakeholder responses, equating to 25,000 individual responses. Within the responses there was support for the provision of more employment opportunities, concerns that the education provision at all levels was inadequate and local infrastructure was insufficient to cope with current levels of population and traffic.
A Youth Questionnaire was also prepared and received 593 responses. The issues of most concern to the younger generation were access to a good range of indoor and outdoor activities, safe environments for travelling around, less little (cleaner neighbourhoods) and good access to higher/further education. There was also general concern about the wider environment and how we protect this and make better use of it.
The Housing Study, prepared by Consultants Iceni, was updated following the consultation on the MOU. Further updates were planned this year to reflect the economic growth aspirations of the region and any changes proposed through the Planning White Paper and updates to the Standard Method.
Other issues discussed and detailed in the report related to the following;
· Housing Needs Study
· Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
· Central Lancashire Transport Masterplan
· Climate Change and Renewable Energy
· Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)
· Local Plan Viability
· Local Development Scheme
Members welcomed the report, noting the positive response from young people but discussed how to address their concerns regarding lack of access to quality higher education, which included sharing this information with the local colleges and universities. Members also discussed the revised assessment under SHELAA and were advised that all sites will be considered at the same level. Following queries regarding the housing need, it was agreed that a copy of the housing needs of each borough would be shared in due course.
Decision: That the report be noted.