Issue - meetings

Committee appointments

Meeting: 20/07/2021 - Council (Item 60)

Committee appointments

To consider any changes to Committee appointments.


Licensing and Public Safety – Councillor William Simmance to be appointed as reserve.


Outside Body appointments

Chorley Consolidated Charities – Councillor Debra Platt. 

Determinants of Health System Delivery Board - Councillor Margaret France with Councillor Alex Hilton as substitute.

LCC Health and Well-being Board - Councillor Alex Hilton with Councillor Margaret France as substitute.

LCC Health Scrutiny Committee - Councillor Alex Hilton with Councillor Margaret France as substitute.

PIVOTAL - Councillor Margaret France with Cllr Alex Hilton as substitute.


Central Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Partnership is no longer operating.



The Executive Leader, Councillor Alistair Bradley proposed and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Peter Wilson seconded the (unanimous) Decision to approve the following changes to committees and outside bodies:


Committee appointment

Licensing and Public Safety – Councillor William Simmance to be appointed as reserve.


Outside body appointments

Chorley Consolidated Charities – Councillor Debra Platt. 

Determinants of Health System Delivery Board - Councillor Margaret France with Councillor Alex Hilton as substitute.

LCC Health and Well-being Board - Councillor Alex Hilton with Councillor Margaret France as substitute.

LCC Health Scrutiny Committee - Councillor Alex Hilton with Councillor Margaret France as substitute.

PIVOTAL - Councillor Margaret France with Cllr Alex Hilton as substitute.


Central Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Partnership is no longer operating.