Issue - meetings

21/00734/FUL - 2 Oak Drive, Chorley, PR6 7BY.

Meeting: 07/09/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 114)

114 21/00734/FUL - 2 Oak Drive, Chorley, PR6 7BY pdf icon PDF 272 KB

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Planning permission granted subject to conditions.


Registered speaker(s): Phil Loynes (objector) and Councillor Adrian Lowe (ward councillor)


After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Harold Heaton, seconded by Councillor Gordon France, that the application be deferred.


A vote on the amendment was taken first and was subsequently lost (For: 2 Against: 11).


A vote on the substantive motion, proposed by Councillor Martin Boardman and seconded by Councillor Alex Hilton, was then taken and the motion passed (For: 9 Against: 3 Abstain: 1) that the application be approved subject to conditions.