Agenda and minutes

Executive Member for Resources (expired) - Friday, 23rd March 2007 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Town Hall, Chorley PR7 1 DP

Contact: Tony Uren 

No. Item


Declarations of Any Interests

The Member is reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members’ Code of Conduct.  If the personal interest is a prejudicial interest, then the individual Member should not participate in a discussion on the matter and not seek to influence a decision on the matter.


The Executive Member had no reason to declare an interest in any of the meeting’s agenda items.


Exclusion of the Public and Press

To consider the exclusion of the press and public for the following items of business on the ground that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Decision made:


That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for consideration of the following items on the ground that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Purchase and lease of land at Euxton Lane, Euxton

To consider the enclosed report of the Property Services’ Consultant.


The Property Services Consultant presented a report on a proposal to facilitate the development of 16 acres of land fronting Euxton Lane, Euxton at the junction of Pear Tree Lane and School Lane by the Euxton Parish Council.


The land was currently held by English Partnerships, which was prepared to transfer the land to the Borough Council at nil cost for onward leasing to the Parish Council, provided the land was retained as a community related asset.  The Parish Council wished to develop the site in two phases, with the initial phase entailing the development of approximately half the site for football, netball and informal play space purposes.


The Director of Leisure and Cultural Services had supported the development plans as a partnership venture for the delivery of additional community recreational and leisure facilities.  Funding for the project was to be provided or secured by the Parish Council.


Decisions made:


That approval be given to the Council:


(1)         accepting the transfer of 6.46 hectares of agricultural land fronting Euxton Lane, Euxton from English Partnerships under the Community Related Assets arrangements at nil cost; and


(2)         subsequently granting a 25 year lease of the land to Euxton Parish Council on the terms outlined in the submitted report.


Reason for decisions:


The proposals will promote the development of community facilities through a partnership venture with Euxton Parish Council.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


The alternative option would be to reject the offer from English Partnerships and seek other means of providing the community facilities.


Sale of Parcels 8 and 9 Gillibrand, Chorley

To consider the enclosed report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor.


The Executive Member for Resources had been presented with a report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor seeking authority to the disposal of the affordable housing parcels 8 and 9 at Gillibrand, Chorley to Adactus Housing Association.


The Council had sold a large area of land at Gillibrand to Redrow Homes and Wainhomes Limited for residential development, with a number of parcels of land being reserved for development by a Housing Association of affordable housing units.  Parcels 11 and 12 had subsequently been sold to Contour Housing Association at a nil consideration.


The current proposals entailed the sale of Parcels 8 and 9 to Adactus Housing Association for a similar nil consideration to allow their construction of 38 two, three, four and five bedroomed houses for rent.  The Council would receive 100% nomination rights on initial and future lettings and the assignment would contain a claw-back provision in the event of any future sale of the property.


The Director of Finance confirmed that the Council’s current capital programme had not taken into account any expected capital receipt from the disposal of Parcels 8 and 9.


Decisions made:


(1)    That the provisionally agreed terms for the transfer of Parcels 8 and 9 at Gillibrand, Chorley to Adactus Housing Group Limited be approved.


(2)    That the Director of Customer, Democratic and Legal Services be authorised to complete the transaction


Reasons for decisions:


(1)         Approval to the sale of Parcels 8 and 9 will bring forward the development of 38 family homes on the site, an increase of 11 homes from the originally proposed 27 units.


(2)    The Council will benefit from a 100% nomination rights on initial and future lettings of the units.


(3)    The provision of social housing on this site will help meet the Council’s housing needs in the Borough and help provide a sustainable community.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


Selling the land on the open market would be likely to achieve a capital receipt, but would significantly reduce the number of social housing units on the estate.


Selling the land to Adactus Housing Group Limited at a restricted valuation would overturn previous Council policy in relation to social housing in this location.


7 Glamis Drive, Chorley - Release of Covenant

To consider the enclosed report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor.  


The Executive Member for Resources considered a report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor on a request from the owner of 7 Glamis Drive, Chorley for the release of a restrictive covenant within the long term ground lease of the property.


The owner wished to erect an additional dwelling adjacent to and within the curtilage of 7 Glamis Drive and had, consequently, requested the Council’s consent to the variation of the ground lease covenant which prohibited the construction of any additional buildings within the grounds of the property without the Council’s consent.


The Council’s Officers had raised no objection in principle to the proposal, which would ultimately require planning permission.


Decisions made:


(1)    That the provisionally agreed terms for the variation of the restrictive covenant contained in the lease of 7 Glamis Drive, Chorley, as outlined in the submitted report, be approved.


(2)    That the Director of Customer, Democratic and Legal Services be authorised to prepare and complete the Deed of Variation.


Reasons for decisions:


Approval of the variation of the covenant will allow the creation of a further dwelling and will generate a financial consideration for the Council.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


Rejection of the request would remove the opportunity for both the construction of a new dwelling and a financial consideration.


Chorley Interchange - Grant of Lease of Vacant Unit

To consider the enclosed report of the Property Services’ Senior Surveyor.


The Property Services’ Senior Surveyor submitted a report on a proposal to grant a lease of the vacant commercial unit at the Chorley Interchange to T & L Techno Limited.


The Executive Member was reminded that all past reasonable endeavours to secure the letting of the vacant unit for either a traditional café or a youth music café had proved abortive.


An offer had subsequently been received from T and L Techno Limited for the lease of the unit for the storage and retail and trade sale of security and surveillance systems, which would, if approved, require planning permission for the change of use of the unit.


Decision made:


That the terms provisionally agreed for the grant of a lease of the vacant retail unit at the Chorley Interchange to T and L Techno Limited, as outlined in the submitted report, be approved.


Reason for decision:


The unit has been vacant for a substantial period of time and the terms offered by T & L Techno Limited are acceptable in terms of open market rental values.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


When the Chorley Interchange was developed the intention was to let the unit as a café.  The current offer could be rejected and the unit could be continued to be marketed for a café use.  However, this issue has been pursued for a number of years with no success and the current proposal is now felt to be the appropriate way forward.  Other uses, with appropriate planning consents for change of use, should now be considered in order to achieve an occupied unit.


Playing Fields at rear of School Lane, Brinscall - Lease to Junior Football Club

To consider the enclosed report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor.


The Executive Member for Resources received and considered a report of the Property Services’ Estates Surveyor recommending approval of the terms of a new 20 year lease of the football pitch at the rear of School Lane, Brinscall to the Brinscall Village Junior Football Club.


The 1.3 hectares pitch was currently poorly drained, which rendered the field virtually unplayable for the majority of the season.  However, the Junior Football Club had received a potential offer of funding from the Football Foundation to undertake works to restore the playing fields to a high playable standard, provided planning permission for the works was obtained and a 20 year lease of the pitch was granted by the Council.


Decisions made:


(1)    That approval be given to the 20 year lease of the playing fields at the rear of School Lane, Brinscall to the Brinscall Village Junior Football Club on the provisionally agreed terms set out in the submitted report.


(2)    That the Director of Customer, Democratic and Legal Services be authorised to complete the new lease.


Reasons for decisions:


(1)    The Council’s granting of a 20 year lease will give the Football Club the required security to apply for funding for their project to support community usage.


(2)    The lease will result in the Council owned playing fields being brought back into a high standard of playable condition and will provide opportunities for play activities for local schools and other community users.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


Refusal of the request for the lease would result in an opportunity for the upgrading of the playing fields and the provision for a community facility being missed.