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Venue: Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley
Contact: Louise Wingfield Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions The Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked those on the top table to introduce themselves. Attendees were reminded to introduce themselves, state the organisation they represented, if applicable, and to use the microphone when addressing the meeting. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Dr Bangi (Chorley and South Ribble CCG), Angela Barrago (Spice Time Credits), Yvonne and Brian Curwen (Walking for Health), Geoff Smith (Lancashire MIND), Marion Rawnsley, Malcolm Allen (Heapey Parish Council / Chorley Traders Alliance), Diane Gradwell (Lancashire West Citizens Advice Bureaux), Ginny Jones (Chorley Pensioners), Estelle Brown (Chorley Pensioners), Jeannie Stirling (Homestart), Tariq Shah (Dosti Mens Forum), Maria Michaels (Stepping Forward), and Rev Martin Cox (St Laurence’s Church). |
To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Equality Forum held on 17 October 2013 and be signed by the Chair. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Equality Forum held on 17 October 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Engagement with community groups Zed Ali, Chorley Women’s Forum and Tariq Shah, Dosti Men’s Forum will introduce this item, to provide the Forum with information on the role of their community groups. Minutes: Zed Ali Chorley BME Women’s Forum gave a presentation on the Chorley BME Women’s organisation (formerly Saheliyaan Asian Women’s Forum).
The forum provides activities for all women, families and children in Chorley and South Ribble, to encourage self-esteem, confidence and friendship with the wider community, particularly for those isolated by reasons of language, cultural or caring responsibilities. They ensure local minority ethnic women are aware of health and social care provision.
The group works closely with the CCG raising early awareness of mental health issues, increasing the uptake of cancer screening, and raising awareness of heart disease and diabetes. They also encourage participation in activities including ladies football, and help to raise awareness around integrating into British culture including public holidays and partnerships with other organisations. The group provide luncheon clubs, ESOL courses, exercise classes, IT courses, health awareness, and activities.
Members of the Equality Forum discussed this item and the following points were raised:
How would the group meet the needs of any deaf women who access their services? It was suggested that Chorley BME Women’s forum could work with the deaf forum or contact the interpreters present at the Equality Forum.
How would the projects be funded in the future? The group are looking at a marketing and fundraising strategy from various sources.
What activities does the group provide to tackle health inequalities? Luncheon classes, arts and craft, self-esteem and confidence building, and healthy eating, are all provided.
How does the group link in to the men’s agenda? The group hope to work with the Dosti Mens forum in the future. |
Networking break |
Engagement with Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group Glenis Tansey, Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group will introduce this item to provide the Forum with an update on the structure and role of the of the Clinical Commissioning Group, as well as engagement with community groups. Minutes: Glenis Tansey, Chorley and South Ribble CCG, gave a presentation on the NHS Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group.
She provided an overview of how the CCG fits into the new health and a social care system, and how the forum could get involved.
The CCG was established in April 2013 and have taken up responsibilities to plan, organise and commission hospital, community and health services for local people. Their vision is ‘to increase the healthy life expectancy of our citizens and to reduce the health differences that exist between communities, improve quality and the experience patients have of health services.’
The key health issues in Chorley and South Ribble are: · Higher rates of CVD, cancer deaths, diabetes and alcohol · 1 in 5 people are cares · A growing elderly population
The CCG plan to do more to support people to self-care and choose appropriate services, and design services around the individual rather than forcing their needs to fit around a service. They are looking to shift care from the hospital to the community; in order to make it closer to home. They will involve patients, the public and communities in helping them achieve their vision, also working closely with partners and encouraging joint working.
The CCG are encouraging people to join the Ownership Council, to receive updates about the CCG, and receive information about involvement opportunities including the Equality Delivery System.
Another way to get involved is through Patient Participation Groups (also known as PPGs), these are a way for GP practices and their patients to work together to review opportunities, comments and suggestions about the way services are provided.
The CCG website has been developed focussed on accessibility, and Glenis encouraged the Forum to visit the website and provide feedback.
Members of the Equality Forum discussed this item and the following points were raised:
Has CCG published their community engagement strategy yet? The communications and engagement strategy is a working document and can be found on the website.
Why is there no information in doctor’s surgeries and dentists about CCG? The CCG work closely with practices, and encourage patient and public involvement, using forums and GP newsletters to get the word out. Glenis was keen for more information.
Would you be interested in including BSL clips on your website? The CCG are currently looking for feedback on their website, please submit any suggestions via the website.
Where is the CCG based, are you all together under one roof? The CCG is based at Chorley House in Leyland, and is all together as one team.
How do you intend to engage with BME groups who are unable to access the internet? The CCG would be keen to work with the groups around this.
Not just BME groups but older people as well. The CCG are looking at new technologies and working with older people.
Does every GPs surgery have a PPG and are they compulsory? They are not compulsory, but the CCG are encouraging all practices to have one. ... view the full minutes text for item 14.EF.95 |
Open Forum to discuss any issues for each equality strand Minutes: There were no issues raised. |
Notices / Feedback / Publicity Members of the Forum are welcome to inform other members of upcoming event, give feedback or notices.
Drew Dewing-Drake, coordinator and training facilitator for the Older and Out project, will provide information about Older and Out which delivers a range of services for the older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community. Minutes: Drew Dewing-Drake who is the coordinator and training facilitator for the Older and Out project gave the group an insight into the aims of the Older and Out project. The project which covers Chorley, Preston and South Ribble runs social groups for older LGBT people, many of whom are isolated or have mental health issues due to prejudice, laws and treatment of LGBT individuals when they were younger. At the moment there are only 3 people who attend the Chorley group but Drew would like to encourage members of the forum to help get more people on board.
Members of the Equality Forum raised the following:
The project covers Chorley and South Ribble what about Blackpool? Drew Dewing-Drake runs the project for Chorley, South Ribble and Preston; however there is a similar project that runs in Blackpool.
Where does the group meet in Chorley? The Chorley group meet at the Homestart building on Market Street, at 6-8pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.
Sarah James informed the Forum about the annual Holocaust Memorial Service which is taking place on Saturday 25 January at the cenotaph in Astley Park, and starts at 10.45am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Donna Hussain notified the Forum about the Interfaith meeting which is taking place on 4 February at 4.30pm. Invites have gone out to faith leaders in the area and all those who attended the launch. If anyone is interested in attending they should contact Donna Hussain.
Suzie Jones, Disability and Equality North West advised the group that DENW are available to support disabled people who are having problems filling in forms. |
Any other item(s) that the Chair decides is/are urgent Minutes: There were no items raised under this agenda item. |
Dates of Future Meetings Future meetings of the Equality Forum will be held on the following dates: · 3 April 2014
All meetings will commence at 6.30pm and be held in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless otherwise stated on the agenda. Minutes: Members of the Forum noted the dates of future meetings, which will take place at 6.30pm, in the Lancastrian Room, Town Hall, Chorley unless otherwise advised:
· 3 April 2014 · 23 June 2014 · 20 October 2014 · 15 January 2015 · 20 October 2015