Agenda and minutes

Equality Forum - Wednesday, 5th October 2011 6.30 pm app available
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Venue: Lancastrian, Town Hall, Chorley

Contact: Cathryn Filbin  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

The Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting. 


The Chair welcomed everyone present to the meeting. 


Due to the low attendance, and following a short discussion and agreement with members of the Equality Forum present, the Chair deviated from the formal agenda, announcing that the presentations listed on the agenda would be heard at a future meeting.  The Chair then invited members of the Equality Forum to raise any questions:


·        Geoff Smith queried where the location of the new psychiatric hospital would be located as the original location had been rescinded.


The Council has since received a response from Clive Taylor from Lancashire Care Trust who advised that there was an understanding that a new psychiatric hospital would be built in Central Lancashire, the location for which was not yet known.


Notices / Feedback / Publicity

Members of the Forum are welcome to inform other members of upcoming event, give feedback or notices. 


Jeannie Stirling advised that the next meeting of the Chorley Voluntary Community and Faith Sector Forum (VCFS) would take place on Tuesday, 29 November at 4pm at St Mary’s Church, Chorley.  Anyone wishing to attend would be most welcome.