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Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall
Contact: Nina Neisser Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of meeting Thursday, 30 January 2020 of Overview and Scrutiny Performance Panel PDF 285 KB Minutes: Decision – That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Performance Panel held on 30 January 2020 be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chair. |
Declarations of Any Interests Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.
If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Performance focus - Commercial Services PDF 235 KB To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chair, Councillor John Walker, welcomed Mark Lester, Director of Commercial Services and Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Leader and Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform), to the meeting.
Victoria Willett, Service Lead - Transformation and Partnerships, presented the report which provided contextual information with regards to the overall Directorate summary, the budget position and the key performance summary and key project update for 2019/20.
The recent senior management restructure has changed some of the services within the Directorate. The functions that make up the Commercial Services directorate are: • Accommodation – operational management of the Council’s housing units, including Cotswold Supported Housing and Primrose Gardens Extra Care Scheme. • Market Walk and Town Centre – management of Market Walk shopping centre, Chorley Markets, town centre car parks and borough wide CCTV monitoring services. • Property and Facilities – the asset management and maintenance of all council owned buildings and assets.
Members noted that there have been difficulties in recruiting to some specialised posts, but these have now been appointed to.
There is an overspend across the Directorate, but Councillor Bradley noted that this reflected the nature of the Directorate in delivering projects and taking investment opportunities as they arise.
Some performance indicators are not within the Council’s control, such as those relating to the European Regional Development Fund. It is also not possible to measure Cotswold Supported Housing in the usual way due to the nature of the service.
In the key projects update the “Deliver the Housing Company” will be become “develop the business plan for the wholly owned Company”.
The Directorate is not in scope for phase one of Shared Services, but officers are proactively working closely with colleagues at South Ribble. This includes the potential to share an agency surveyor and sharing knowledge on IDOX software which is used by both authorities.
There is a shortage of developed land for businesses to occupy. Developers make more money from housing land and the council face difficulties when developers are successful in changing the use of land from business to housing. There are not many brownfield sites in Chorley. The Leader, Councillor Bradley, expressed his wish to incentivise businesses to move to Chorley from Manchester and Liverpool. This would have the added benefit of reducing commuting distances in line with the council’s green aspirations. This is a complex issue.
Members queried the current position regarding the Shady Lane and Alker Lane sites. It is hoped that full planning permission will be submitted in the summer. The Shady Lane site is more difficult.
Councillor Bradley explained there are projects in the pipeline, including at Tatton and within the town centre. There are things that the council can do to have a positive influence in the town centre.
Decision – That the report be noted. |
Business planning update PDF 375 KB To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive. Minutes: The Performance Panel considered a monitoring report from the Deputy Chief Executive which provides an update on the progress of delivery for the service level projects outlined in the service business plans.
Victoria Willett, Service Lead - Transformation and Partnerships, presented the report and explained that a similar approach will be taken to the previous year including engagement with staff, the production of a plan on a page per service and monitoring/reporting through the MyProjects system. This year there will be a focus on identifying interdependencies between departments and projects where support will be needed from the newly formed Programme Management Office.
A review of 15 business plans produced last year has been completed with an overall total of 136 projects and of those: · 93 are ongoing (69%) · 34 are complete (25%) · 2 are closed (1%) · 7 have not started (5%)
Members welcomed the approach of an away day to deliver business planning sessions with staff to engage them in the process.
Members discussed the learning curve undertaken in supporting the Syrian resettlement programme and noted that it is not known at the current time if more families will be coming to Chorley. The learning, particularly around interpretation to get to the root of issues, will be taken forward to support any future families.
Councillor Alex Hilton left the meeting at 7.10pm.
Recruitment processes will be revised following the implementation of shared services on 1 April.
The Chair commented on the positive work the council is undertaking for the residents of Chorley.
Decision – That the report be noted. |