Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 5th December 2023 6.30 pm app available
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Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley and YouTube

Contact: Matthew Pawlyszyn  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Any Interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda.


If you have a pecuniary interest you must withdraw from the meeting. Normally you should leave the room before the business starts to be discussed. You do, however, have the same right to speak as a member of the public and may remain in the room to enable you to exercise that right and then leave immediately. In either case you must not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter.


Personal, non-pecuniary interests were declared by Councillor Adrian Lowe for application 3a) 22/01243/FULMAJ - Land To The West Side Of Blackburn, Road, Chorley), Councillor Debra Platt for application 3c) 23/00530/OUTMAJ - Chorley Rugby Union Club, Chancery Road, Astley Village, and Councillor Arjun Singh for application 3d) 22/00132/FUL - 81 Wood Lane, Heskin.


Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 14 November 2023 of Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 86 KB


Resolved: That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Planning applications to be determined

The Head of Planning and Enforcement has submitted five planning applications to be determined (enclosed).


Plans to be considered will be displayed at the meeting or may be viewed in advance by following the links to the current planning applications on our website. 


The Head of Planning and Enforcement submitted five planning applications to be determined. Plans considered were displayed at the meeting and can be viewed by following the links to the current planning applications on our website


22/01243/FULMAJ - Land To The West Side Of Blackburn Road, Chorley pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Additional documents:


Planning permission granted subject to conditions and a S106 agreement to secure a public transport contribution, and a travel plan support contribution. The final details of which are to be delegated to the Director of Planning and Development in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair and Vice Chair.


Public speakers: Keith Malloy (Objector), Chris Maguire (Supporter), Councillor Jean Sherwood (Ward Councillor) and Councillor Adrian Lowe (Ward Councillor).


Councillor Adrian Lowe left the meeting 18:47 following speaking as Ward Councillor.


After careful consideration it was proposed by Councillor Sarah Ainsworth, seconded by Councillor Karen Derbyshire and Resolved (9 for, 2 against, and 1 abstention) that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and a S106 agreement to secure a public transport contribution, and a travel plan support contribution. The final details of which are to be delegated to the Director of Planning and Development in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair and Vice Chair.


The meeting was adjourned at 19:26.



22/00407/OUTMAJ - Land At Tincklers Lane Tincklers Lane Eccleston pdf icon PDF 245 KB

Additional documents:


Outline planning permission granted subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following:

·         35% of the dwellings to be affordable with 70% of these to be social rented and 30% for shared ownership

·         £32,340 for public open space contributions

·         £49,506 for two additional secondary school places


Public speakers: Dr Anne Hansen (objector) and Dan Hughes (Agent).


The meeting resumed and Councillor Adrian Lowe returned to the meeting at 19:32.


After careful consideration, it as proposed by Councillor Craige Southern, seconded by Councillor Alistair Morwood, and resolved (11 for, and 2 against) that outline planning permission be granted subject to conditions and a S106 legal agreement to secure the following:

·         35% of the dwellings to be affordable with 70% of these to be social rented and 30% for shared ownership

·         £32,340 for public open space contributions

·         £49,506 for two additional secondary school places


23/00530/OUTMAJ - Chorley Rugby Union Club, Chancery Road, Astley Village pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Additional documents:


Application deferred to allow Members the opportunity to visit the site, and seek clarification from Lancashire County Council in respect of matters raised by Councillor Debra Platt.


Public speakers: Andrew Lago (Objector) and Graham Brown (Applicant).


The meeting adjourned at 20:23 and resumed at 20:28.


After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Alan Whittaker, and seconded by Councillor Debra Platt, and resolved (12 for, 0 against and 1 abstention) that the application be deferred to allow Members the opportunity to visit the site, and for clarification to be sought from Lancashire County Council in respect of matters raised by Councillor Debra Platt.


22/00132/FUL - 81 Wood Lane, Heskin pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Planning permission granted subject to conditions.


Public speakers Arjun Singh (Parish Councillor) and Clive Morris (Applicant).


Councillor Arjun Singh left the meeting at 20:38 following speaking as Parish Councillor.


After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Alan Whittaker, seconded by Councillor Gordon France for the application be deferred to allow Members to visit the site, this was lost (2 for, 10 against). It was then proposed by Councillor Ainsworth, seconded by Councillor Craige Southern and was resolved (10 for, 1 against, 1 abstention) that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


22/00888/FULMAJ - Armlee Nurseries, Apline View, Wigan Road, Clayton-Le-Woods pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


Planning permission granted subject to conditions.


Councillor Arjun Singh returned to the meeting at 20:50.


After careful consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Neville Whittam, seconded by Councillor Karen Derbyshire and resolved unanimously that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.


Appeals Report pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Resolved: That the Appeals Report be noted.