Agenda item

Food waste collections

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Customer and Digital.


1.         To introduce statutory weekly food waste collections to all properties across Chorley by 31 March 2026.

2.         To proceed to procure non-vented food waste caddies and liners via public sector frameworks and further competition tender exercise.

3.         To proceed to procure specialised food waste collection vehicles via public sector frameworks and further competition tender exercise.

4.         To agree the tender evaluation criteria for food waste containers and collection vehicles, based on 80% cost and 20% quality ratio.

5.         To delegate to the Executive Member for Resources the authority to approve the award of contracts to the winning bidders.

6.         To undertake an options modelling exercise to ensure the waste and recycling service is fully reviewed and achieves the councils environmental and fiscal priorities through improvements to collection rounds and frequencies.

7.         To present a further report for approval of capital budgets for this project including a decision on the operating model and any improvements to existing service delivery.


The Executive Member (Customer, Streetscene and Environment), Councillor Adrian Lowe, presented the report of the Director (Customer and Digital). 


The report requested approval for changes to support the introduction of new statutory food collections by 31 March 2026.


Funding had been confirmed by Defra for capital costs (for new vehicles and containers), and would be provided for transitional costs, resource costs and ongoing service revenue costs, subject to future spending reviews. 


The detail of this was yet to be confirmed and the Lancashire Waste Partnership, on behalf of all district councils, would be writing to Defra to seek assurances that all reasonable capital costs would be funded in full by Government.  The outcome of this would be shared with members. 


Although a high value procurement usually required a standard weighting of 15% for social value to be included in the evaluation, it was proposed that this be exempted due to the nature of the assets (purchase of fleet and containers).  The quality criteria would incorporate an evaluation of environmental benefits.  Furthermore, the framework suppliers had already demonstrated elements of social value in order to be accepted onto the frameworks.


Officers would evaluate the feasibility and benefits of jointly procuring containers and vehicles with South Ribble Council and potentially other district councils with the same requirements.


Members noted the food waste containers would be lockable, the liners for the food waste would be provided by the council and that an appropriate communications plan would be carried out to ensure that residents were aware of the changes.



1.         To introduce statutory weekly food waste collections to all properties across Chorley by 31 March 2026.

2.         To proceed to procure non-vented food waste caddies and liners via public sector frameworks and further competition tender exercise.

3.         To proceed to procure specialised food waste collection vehicles via public sector frameworks and further competition tender exercise.

4.         To agree the tender evaluation criteria for food waste containers and collection vehicles, based on 80% cost and 20% quality ratio.

5.         To delegate to the Executive Member for Resources the authority to approve the award of contracts to the winning bidders.

6.         To undertake an options modelling exercise to ensure the waste and recycling service is fully reviewed and achieves the councils environmental and fiscal priorities through improvements to collection rounds and frequencies.

7.         To present a further report for approval of capital budgets for this project including a decision on the operating model and any improvements to existing service delivery.


Reasons for recommendations

1.         The Environment Act 2021 sets into legislation the requirement for waste collection authorities to provide weekly food waste collections to all households by 31 March 2026.

2.         It is anticipated that large numbers of local authorities will implement new or extended food waste collection services between 2024 and 2026. There will be a very high demand for new vehicles, containers, and liners during this period and so an early decision on key service elements will confirm tender specifications and enable procurements via frameworks to proceed without delay.

3.         Although a high value procurement usually requires a standard weighting of 15% for social value to be evaluated, it is proposed that this is exempted due to the nature of the assets to be procured.

4.         Delegated approval for contract awards is requested to streamline the procurement process.


Other options considered and rejected

1.         To not introduce separate weekly food waste collections would be in breach of statutory duties imposed by the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

2.         To introduce co-collected food waste would undermine the financial integrity of services.

Supporting documents: