Agenda item

Business Plan Monitoring Statements - 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2008

To consider the final quarter Business Plan and Performance Monitoring Statements for the following services.


·        Leisure and Culture (People Directorate)(enclosed)

·        Development and Regeneration (Business Directorate) (enclosed)

·        Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and Environment (Neighbourhoods Directorate) (enclosed)

·        Customer, Democratic and Legal Services (enclosed)

·        Human Resources (enclosed)

·        Financial Services (to follow)

·        Information and Communication Technology Services (enclosed)

·        Policy and Performance Directorate (enclosed)


The Committee received the final quarter Business Plan and Performance Monitoring Statements for the following services:


·                    Leisure and Culture (People Directorate)

·                    Development and Regeneration (Business Directorate)

·                    Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and Environment (Neighbourhoods Directorate)

·                    Customer, Democratic and Legal Services

·                    Human Resources

·                    Financial Services

·                    Information and Communication Technology Services

·                    Policy and Performance


The Corporate Director (People) informed the Committee that good progress across all areas during 2007/08 with no significant variation to report.  The report identified that all performance indicators were exceeding target or were within the acceptable limit.


The Corporate Director (Business) presented the Panel with her Business Plan indicating that the past 12 months had seen progress in a number of areas as well as some new challenges.  Key posts at a management level have been filled and at the beginning of the year challenging targets for the time had been taken and in spite of staff shortages the targets had been achieved and with regards to major applications were in the upper quartile when compared with other authorities.


Members noted that the decision to bring the Housing Options and Allocations team back in house had already paid dividends with a reduction in the number of households in Bed and Breakfast reduced from 17 to 1.


The Panel received the Business Plan Monitoring Statement relating to the Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and Environment Directorate indicating that during this final quarter and following the formation of the new Directorate, the Neighbourhoods Directorate had begun to establish itself as a collective team in response to the developing neighbourhoods agenda for Chorley.  The report set out the key messages with members discussing the first “Week of Action” that had taken place in Chorley East.


RESOLVED – That the Business Plan Monitoring Statements be noted.

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