Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report - Fourth Quarter of 2007/08

Report of Assistant Chief Executive (Policy and Performance) enclosed.




The Executive Cabinet considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Policy and Performance) which set out and reviewed the Authority’s performance in the delivery of the key projects and measures in the Corporate Strategy and against national Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) during the fourth quarter of 2007/08 ending on 31 March 2008.


The report revealed an overall commendable performance in the delivery of the refreshed Corporate Strategy’s key projects, with 81% of the projects either having been completed or progressing on or ahead of plan.  The report explained the reasons for six projects being currently behind schedule, but indicating that the schemes were likely to be completed in the near future.


In addition, the report confirmed a good overall BVPI performance, with an increased 46% of indicators in the top quartile nationally, and 70% of indicators achieving their targets.  85% of the indicators had shown an improved or consistent performance over the quarter period, which compared favourably with a percentage of national District Councils’ improving BVPIs of around 55%.


A note setting out the comments and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on three of the Corporate Strategy’s key projects was tabled and presented by the Chair of the Committee, Councillor Dennis Edgerley.  The note, in particular, comments as follows:


?         Vulnerable Families Project


         The Committee had expressed concern at the delay in the delivery of the project and had requested to be advised of the number of families identified for assistance.


         In response, the Executive Member for Policy and Performance confirmed that a Project Co-ordinator had now been appointed and that, whilst individual families targeted for support would not be identified, the project could now be progressed.


?         Developing a Community Plan for Buckshaw


         The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had expressed concern at the delay in developing a Community Plan for Buckshaw, highlighting the use of Section 106 monies as an issue.


         In reply, the Executive Leader accepted the Committee’s concern at the delay and confirmed that some of the Section 106 monies had been diverted towards the funding of the Eaves Green Link Road.


?         Improving the Green Corridor (Astley Park)


         The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had requested (i) to be informed of any proposal to omit the Adventure Playground element from the Astley Park scheme due to funding; and (ii) the investigation of alternative funding sources (including the County Council’s ‘Play Builder Starter Grant’ scheme, to enable the key part of the Council’s Play Strategy to be implemented.


         In response, the Executive Leader accepted the Committee’s concerns and confirmed that all available funding sources would be pursued.


Decisions made:


1.      That the report be noted.

2.      That the key project to ‘produce an action plan for the Community Forum areas’ be renamed the more relevant ‘Develop Neighbourhood Action Plans’.


Reason for decisions:


The introduction of the new neighbourhood working arrangements obviates the need for further Community Forums.  Consequently, it is logical for the key project requiring the production of Community Forum action plans to be amended to require the development of neighbourhood action plans.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:



Supporting documents: