Agenda item

The Annual Refresh of the Corporate Strategy for 2008/09-2010/11

Report of Assistant Chief Executive (Policy and Performance) (enclosed)


The Executive Member for Policy and Performance presented a proposed Corporate Strategy for 2008-9 to 2010-11.


The Corporate Strategy sets out the Council’s long term vision, priorities and strategic outcomes and targets for the next three years.  It is reviewed and refreshed on an annual basis with new key projects introduced to support achievements against outcomes and targets.


The Corporate Strategy is developed alongside the Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement and is the key document in the Council’s business planning process.


The report detailed changes to the wording of two of the Council’s strategic objectives and a number of the long-term outcomes.  The Strategy contained a number of new measures, many of which were due to the replacement nationally of the Best Value Performance Indicators with the National Indicators set.  The Strategy set out 33 projects, 23 of which were new, the rest of which were carried forward from last year for completion in 2009.


In debating this item, the following amendments were put forward for consideration:


1.  Column 1 (Strategic Objectives)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Dennis Edgerley and seconded by Councillor Adrian Lowe to add to the strategic objective of strengthening Chorley’s economic position in the Central Lancashire Sub-Region “and act as an engine for economic growth in the sub-region”.


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


2.  Column 1 (an additional key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Adrian Lowe and seconded by Councillor Anthony Gee to add an additional key project.


“To develop and implement a free parking scheme for the first hour, on town centre car parks”.


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


3.  Column 4 (revised outcome 4.3)


Following a proposal by Councillor Roy Lees, the Leader agreed to investigate an amendment to the measure for outcome 4.3 to ‘improve’ rather than ‘maintain’ the current level of biodiversity as assessed in the Local Development Framework.


4.  Column 5 (an additional key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Laura Lennox and seconded by Councillor Dennis Edgerley to add an additional key project.


“To work with Redrow who have offered to transfer 200 houses to the social rented sector”.


The Leader reported that Redrow had not made such an offer.


An amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


5.  Column 5 (an additional key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Laura Lennox and seconded by Councillor Dennis Edgerley to add an additional key project.


“That the Council will develop and implement a solution for temporary accommodation”.


The amendment was put to the vote and CARRIED.


6.  Column 5 (an additional key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Dennis Edgerley and seconded by Councillor Adrian Lowe to add an additional key project.


“That the Council investigate and pursue the provision of a sporting village”.


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


7.  Column 4 (an additional key project)


Following a proposal by Councillor Edgerley, the Leader agreed that if the following key project wasn’t already underway, then he would ensure there was provision for this project to be included in next year’s budget.


“To establish an invest to save programme for the Council’s use of energy”.


8.  Column 5 (amendment to a proposed key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Dennis Edgerley and seconded by Councillor Adrian Lowe to amend the wording of the proposed key project by adding the words “and implement’ to the following key project.


“Develop (and implement) seven neighbourhood action plans working with Parish Councils, other partners and community groups”.


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


9.  Column 5 (amendment to long-term outcome)


Following a proposal by Councillor Dennis Edgerley, the Leader agreed to investigate the inclusion of either a long-term outcome or project in relation to “the improvement and extension of the green corridor of Chorley”.


10.  Column 6 (additional key project)


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Dennis Edgerley and seconded by Councillor Ken Ball to add an additional key project.


“To review expenditure on the corporate and democratic core with a view to reducing it and increasing expenditure on frontline services like streetscene”.


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


RESOLVED – That the proposed Corporate Strategy for 2008/09 to 2010/11 be agreed subject to the following changes:


1.      An additional key project that “the Council will develop and implement a solution for temporary accommodation” be approved.


2.      The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council:

         ?       investigate the change of wording to the measure for outcome 4.3 to “improve” rather than maintain the current level of biodiversity as assessed in the Local Development Framework; and

         ?       investigate the inclusion of an additional long-term outcome or project under Column 5 to “improve and extend the green corridor of Chorley”.

         ?       agreed that if the project “to establish an invest to save programme for the Council’s use of energy” is not underway in the current year then there will be provision for the project included in the Corporate Strategy.

Supporting documents: