Agenda item

Collection and Consideration of Evidence

To consider the Task Groups findings and recommendations for the Streetscene Inquiry prior to their incorporation into a final report (enclosed)


The Task Group received the outcome of feedback following questions that had been put to the Equality Forum at its meeting on 19 November 2008 regarding the ongoing Inquiry.  The response would be incorporated in the final report of the inquiry.


The Task Group also received an additional response to consultation from Astley Village Parish Council in connection with the consultation that had taken place regarding the Inquiry.  The response would be incorporated in future Action Plans for the area.


The findings and recommendations of the Task Groups’ inquiry into Streetscene were received and were notified that in the final report these would be grouped together in themes to enable implementation.


The Task Group AGREED the following recommendations and for them to be forwarded to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration at the meeting on 1 December 2008.


The Chair of the Task Group wished it to be placed on record the Committees’ thanks and appreciation for the work on the inquiry by the Corporate Director (Neighbourhoods) Ishbel Murray, her staff and the Democratic Services Officer, Gordon Bankes.




1.            Promote the use of the contact Centre telephone number to enable calls to be monitored and actioned.


2.         That a hotline number be issued on a notice on the litterbins and street furniture.  The notice also to show the bin identification number and a dedicated e-mail address be created to the reporting of incidents.


3.            Improve Communication amongst the workforce regarding procedures and review the schedules to avoid operatives from passing full bins and failing to collect from them.


4.         Use of feedback from the operatives using the work schedule, to shape how the work is carried out.


5.         To encourage the use of the Neighbourhood Officers to report problems areas.


6.         To encourage Council Staff and Members of the public to monitor and report on local environmental issues.


7.            Developed a bin provision policy in Chorley to identify the suitable size of bin for the location.


8.         That the bin location document be made available to all Parish Councils and Borough Councillors to assist with service monitoring and made accessible on the internet.  A master copy to be made available in the Members Room.


9.         That all Members be given the opportunity to go out on litter collection scheduled route and providing sufficient notification is given.


10.       That a campaign awareness be undertaken with the fast food outlets as to their Community responsibilities.


11.       To request all fast food outlets to display a notice reminding people to take their rubbish home and as an example of good practice for takeaway premises in terms of prevention of nuisance and encourage the enforcement of litter control zones and looking at seeking any new ones.


12.       That a programme of education with the community and within schools be initiated to increase awareness and promote pride in the community and knowledge of environmental issues.


13.       The Council liaise with the County Council with regard to keeping the verges on highways tide and litter-free in order to improve the perception of the councils Service with the Parishes.


14.       That the relevant Officer looks at the cleaning schedules and considers further strategic sweeping of streets and litterbin routes.


15.       To investigate the current cost of collecting/emptying of litterbins, particularly around hot spot areas, particularly schools and consider installation of either further bins or larger bins.


16.       That discretion be allowed for operatives to move from clean scheduled areas to adjacent grot spots.


17.       To seek to maximise publicity for the fact that the Council will not tolerate littering, fly tipping and associated anti-social behaviour and a system be introduced whereby any successful prosecution for such offences are automatically notified to the Communication Team and are subject of a Press Release.


18.       That in the light of this review all Parish Councils be requested to give consideration to their contribution towards keeping their areas clean and tidy and whether they could do more.


19        To improve partnership working with the County Council and request more frequent sweeping and litter picking in any identified problem areas.


20.       Issue periodic reminders of collection days and waste should it be put out when, to assist residents and use of various newsletters.


21.       That a mapping exercise be undertaken to identify and target littering ‘hotspots’ and continually full litterbins to target improvements in those areas of the borough.  More detailed mapping and targeting of those areas and target resources more effectively to maximise performance.


22.       To support the development of Lengthsmen in the Parishes in the provision of storage and the purchase and use of equipment.


23.       To give consideration of a ‘hit squad’ to respond to problem areas.


24.       To continue to pursue the Capital Programme on the mobile work system.

Supporting documents: