Agenda item

08/01181/FUL - The Oaks, Bluestone Lane, Mawdesley

Report of Corporate Director (Business) (enclosed)


Full planning permission approved subject to conditions.


(Councillor Keith Iddon declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting)


(The Committee received representation from the ward representative, Councillor Kevin Joyce)


Application no:                      08/01181/FUL

Proposal:                   Demolition of existing outbuildings and extension of existing stable building to create Indoor Riding Arena

Location:                    The Oaks, Bluestone Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk


It was proposed by Councillor Harold Heaton, seconded by Councillor Simon Moulton, and was subsequently RESOLVED to grant full planning permission subject to the following conditions:


1. Where use of the building for the authorised purpose ceases for a period exceeding 6 months within 10 years of its substantial completion it shall be removed from the land and the land shall be restored to its former condition.

Reason: To avoid the proliferation of buildings in the Green Belt for which there is not a continuing need and in accordance with Policy DC1 and EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


2. The permission hereby granted is for the use of the building for the private keeping and riding of horses and ponies only. The building shall not be used for any trade or business purposes in connection with the training or schooling of horse and pony riders or for the holding of any events, competitions, trials, horse/pony club meetings or gymkhanas.

Reason:  To define the permission and in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


3. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a sample/details of the colour of the plastisol coated profile metal sheeting roof (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing colour.

Reason:  To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


4. The permission hereby granted shall only be for the benefit of The Oaks, Bluestone Lane, Mawdesley, Ormskirk, L40 2RJ and shall not be separated form it either in ownership or use. The use of the building shall principally limited to the owner of the aforementioned property unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  The permission was granted having regard to the special circumstances advanced in support of the application, however the use would beinappropriate to the area unless only carried on by the applicant in the manner specified on the application and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP8 and DC1 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


5. The external facing materials detailed on the approved plan(s)/Design and Access Statement shall be used and no others substituted without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason:  To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


6. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Supporting documents: