Agenda item

Review of Taxi Licensing Vehicle Conditions

To receive and consider a report of the Corporate Director (Neighbourhoods) (report enclosed).


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director (Neighbourhoods) that sought Members approval to implement the proposals to amend the conditions applied to taxi vehicle licence applications and the subsequent licence conditions.


Following the last Committee, a Sub-Group of the Licensing Liaison Panel had been established, which included representatives of the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Trade and officers from the Public Protection Team.  The Sub-Group met on several occasions, and based on feedback received at the Sub-Group the following amendments to the taxi licensing vehicle conditions had been proposed:


·         Streamline vehicle testing frequency (hackney carriage and private hire) – vehicle testing would take place every six months, irrespective of the age of the vehicle, and provided the vehicle could be repaired to a standard that met the vehicle test requirement, would not be precluded from operating as a licensed taxi.


·         Vehicle testing format (hackney carriage and private hire) – withdrawal of the required third ‘Council Safety Test’ and instead rely on the MOT/VOSA test and the ‘Taxi Inspection and Safety Test’ to identify vehicles that were unsuitable or unsafe to operate as a taxi.  Testing garages would be provided with detailed guidance to assist them in assessing the elements of the Taxi Inspection and Safety Test.


·         Taxi Plate Requirement (hackney carriage and private hire) – one plate to be issued, for display, at the initial licensing period with a renewable internal taxi badge to be displayed with the date of expiry of the taxi licence.  This plate would be attached to the vehicle until such time the licence was not renewed or surrendered.  The business procedures within the Council would be used to monitor licences that had expired that had not been renewed or surrendered and the increased enforcement resources within the Public Protection Team would be used to investigate and seize plates not properly licensed.


·         Luggage Capacity Requirement (private hire only) – remove the requirement that licensed vehicles must be capable to carry one suitcase for each passenger that the vehicle was licensed to carry, and replace it with the condition that requires operators to determine the luggage carrying capacity of the fare at the time of booking.  The onus would be on the operator to inform the fare of any additional vehicles that would be required to accommodate luggage and ensure that all luggage was stowed internally in the vehicle in a manner that ensured the safety of passengers and other road users.  No changes to luggage carrying capacity for hackney carriage vehicles were proposed.


·         Tyre tread requirements (hackney carriage and private hire) – remove the requirement for a 3mm tread depth and rely on the national standard of 1.6mm over the central ¾ of the tread patters.  In addition the test requirements would be clarified to state that the spare tyre, where fitted must also comply too the same standard.  Where a vehicle was not equipped with a spare tyre at the time of manufacture, the vehicle manufacturers’ recommended ‘run flat’ or ‘self inflatable’ tyres should be fitted on all wheels.  The use and carrying of proprietary puncture repair kits would not be considered a suitable alternative.


Members of the Committee discussed the proposed changes.  The majority of Members felt that the current system was over bureaucratic and burdensome on the trade, and accepted that the proposals would improve the current system. 


Committee Members raised concern that a reduction in the current condition of a 3mm tyre tread, in support of the national standards 1.6mm could prove detrimental to the safety of the vehicles, especially with the reduction of compulsory testing that had been proposed.  The Committee were advised that some drivers did not comply with the current 3mm condition currently in place, and it was felt that reducing the tyre tread to the national standard would make little difference to compliance.  Members were reassured however, that spot checks would still take place regularly and for those drivers who failed to comply with the conditions, enforcement action would be taken.


It was envisaged that the changes to the conditions would be brought in to force with effect from 2 January 2010.


The Environmental Manager clarified that it had been proposed to issue paper expiry discs only when the drivers’ licence was renewed.  In response to Councillor Platt’s suggestion it was agreed that those drivers with a long expiry date would also be issued with paper expiry discs.   


It was proposed by Councillor Debra Platt, seconded by Councillor Magda Cullens and was subsequently RESOLVED (12:1) to approve the proposed amendments to the vehicle licensing conditions for taxis.





Supporting documents: