Agenda item

Use of Vacant Properties/Enforcement issues

The principal purpose of the meeting will be to consider issues around the number of vacant retail and commercial properties in the town centre.


The Task Group may wish to consider, amongst other factors, current policies on the promotion or enhancement of the appearance of empty premises: current practices on enforcement of statutory of discretionary obligations; and the encouragement of the refurbishment of empty flats above shops to assist increased residential usage within the town centre.


Simon Clark (Service Manager (Environment)) and Zoe Whiteside (Strategic Housing Services Manager) have been invited to attend the meeting, along with other Business Directorate Officers, to advise the Group of present policies and practices, and future plans.


There will be an opportunity to question the Officers and determine preliminary recommendations for assessment at a later stage.  The Group will also be able to raise any relevant licensing issues with the Service Manager (Environment).


The Chair reminded the Task Group that the primary purposes of the meeting was to consider issues around the number of vacant retail and commercial properties in the town centre.


The Chair welcomed in particular, Simon Clark (Service Manager Environment), Zoe Whiteside (Strategic Housing Services Manager) and Ian Aldred (Housing Enabling Manager) who had been invited to attend the meeting to advise Members on current policies and practices on the enforcement of statutory or discretionary obligations and the residential usage of town centre property.


(a)               Residential Usage of Vacant Property


Zoe Whiteside reminded the Task Group that the Strategic Housing Services Section was responsible for the strategic planning policies in relation to the provision of differing types of housing units across the whole of the Borough. Zoe referred to the money currently being invested in the Purchase and Repair scheme operated with Registered Served Landlords, under which the RSL’s aimed to provide a number of 2 and 3 bedroomed affordable housing units through the refurbishment of 13 or so empty properties in the Borough.


Zoe also referred to the general reluctance of RSL’s to invest in the conversion of empty properties or flats above retail premises in the town centre for residential use, principally because of the difficulties in attracting scarce funding and the potential future management problems. However, Adactus was currently planning to make available 8 flats at Halliwell Street in the town centre for social rented housing.


Simon Clark advised the Task Group of the reactive role of the Neighbourhoods Directorate in responding to complaints regarding empty properties in the Borough. Simon explained the processes adopted by the Directorate in contacting the owners of the properties to seek their intentions. The Directorate was currently involved in the examination of 46 vacant properties throughout the Borough (none of which were located in the town centre), including 13 properties currently being renovated under the Purchase and Repair scheme. Simon also referred to the provisions of Empty Property Management Orders, which sanctioned the local authority to assume the management of a property from the owner; repair the property and rent the property to an occupant. However, this measure imposed a future management role on the authority.


A member of the Task Group, whilst accepting the limited funding and resources available, considered that concerted efforts should be made to convert the flats and spaces above the large Victorian premises in the town centre to residential use, particularly as a means of providing affordable accommodation for young people. In response, Simon Clark intimated that the Neighbourhood Directorate could be willing to provide practical advice to owners of suitable properties wishing to convert empty space into residential units and Zoe Whiteside offered assistance in the marketing of the additional units provided.


(b)               Vacant Town Centre Properties


Conrad Heald (Town Centre and Markets Manager) circulated a note drawing attention to 10 retail or food businesses that had either recently opened, expanded or relocated to new premises in the town centre. The note indicated the current property vacancy rates within the town centre, which revealed that whilst the total of vacant square metres had increased since the last quarter, the number of vacant retail square metres had reduced slightly. Out of a total of 315 units, 31 made up from the following sectors were currently vacant:


Retail                          13

Pubs/Leisure             6

Development             7

Offices                        5         


One member of the Task Group proposed the formulation of a specific policy to define and guide future practices and actions in relation to empty town centre properties, under the leadership of an identified officer.


In addition, a number of measures and proposals were put forward by the Task Group members to address differing aspects and problems associated with empty properties.


(c)               Recommendations


At the conclusion of the debate, the Task Group AGREED that the ideas and suggestions as outlined below be considered and reviewed by the Task Group at a later stage, with a view to firm recommendations on vacant town centre premises issues being formulated.


  • That the  Adactus scheme to provide 8 affordable housing units at Halliwell Street, Chorley be monitored by the Strategic Housing Services Section, with a view to Registered Social Landlords being encouraged to develop other similar feasible schemes in the town.


  • That the Neighbourhoods Directorate be requested to offer an advice service to owners of properties in the town centre that are capable in whole or in part of conversion to flats, in order to clarify the relevant regulations, directives and standards which require to be complied with.


  • That the Strategic Housing Services Section be requested to offer assistance in the marketing of new affordable housing units provided by Registered Social Landlords in the town centre, and provide details of applicants on the housing working list to the owners of the housing units.


  • That developers of new schemes in the town centre be encouraged to consider mixed use developments (comprising retail, storage, residential units, etc) whenever practicable.


  • That a specific policy document on the practices and procedures to be adopted and implemented in relation to vacant town centre properties be compiled, the package to include advice and guidance to prospective developers on relevant planning application procedures, licensing regulations, funding sources and business support services etc.


  • That an officer be identified to undertake the role of Lead Co-ordinator  responsible for the implementation of the Empty Property Policy,


  • That owners of vacant town centre premises be encouraged to enhance the appearance of the empty property by an appropriate window dressing (eg advertisements for other businesses or attractions in the town or the promotion of prospective retail/business occupants).


  • That owners of empty shops in the town centre be requested to consider more robust means of marketing the available retail premises.


  • That, in order to reduce the negative perception created by the profusion of large ‘For Sale’ notice boards attached to vacant town centre premises, the vendors agents be requested to examine means of mitigating the negative impact by, for example, reducing the size of notice boards or reducing the number by combining two or more properties on one board.