Agenda item

To consider the Notices of Motion given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10

To consider the attached four motions from Councillor Peter Wilson.


The Council meeting considered four motions put forward by Councillor Peter Wilson.


1. Community Transport


The Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Dennis Edgerley and seconded by Councillor Terry Brown.


“This Council welcomes the decision to maintain community transport service levels for the next three months.   The Council recognises the valuable role community transport services play and the importance to pensioners of using their NowCards on these services. Therefore we urge the Council to make representations to Lancashire County Council to use this three month period to make arrangements for maintaining all community transport services in the future at their current levels.”


RESOLVED – That this motion be supported.




2. Social Care


The Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Alistair Bradley and seconded by Councillor Laura Lennox.


“Chorley Council recognises the huge contribution that parents who act as full time carers to disabled children make to our society. We also acknowledge and applaud the help and support they have been given by Lancashire County Council in the past through the provision of much needed respite care. Chorley Council, however, wishes to express its’ opposition to the County Council’s decision to reduce this provision as a part of its response to the Government’s cut in funding. We request that the Leader of the Council writes to the Leader of Lancashire County Council and demands that the LCC Cabinet reconsiders this decision which has caused heartache and distress to so many.”


The following revised wording was put forward by the Executive Leader (Councillor Peter Goldsworthy) and seconded by the Deputy Leader (Councillor Pat Case).


“Chorley Council recognises the huge contribution that parents who act as full time carers to disabled children make to our society. We also acknowledge and applaud the help and support they have been given by Lancashire County Council in the past through the provision of much needed respite care.


Chorley Council notes the publicity given to the changes being made to respite care and that the changes are designed to improve respite care provision in the county making it fit for purpose. We request that the Leader of the Council writes to the Leader of Lancashire County Council seeking assurances that no families are disadvantaged and no respite care will be removed from anyone.”


RESOLVED – that the amended motion be supported.


3. Support For Senior Citizens


The Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor Peter Wilson and seconded by Councillor Anthony Gee.


“As part of this Council’s ongoing support and commitment to ensure good health and wellbeing amongst older people, we call on the government to immediately restore the proposed cut in winter fuel payments proposed in the recent Budget.”


RESOLVED – that this motion be supported.


4. Local Democracy and the Planning Process


The Council considered the following motion moved by Councillor June Molyneaux and seconded by Councillor Roy Lees.


This Council recognises the importance of empowering local people in the decision making process and supports the Council’s vision outlined in our Constitution which commits the Council to involving people in their communities.  We recognise the importance of this in respect of the planning process and the vital role councillors play in representing the views of local residents.  Furthermore we believe that too many decisions are taken under delegated powers, despite opposition from councillors and local residents.  Therefore we call on the Council to ensure that all applications are referred to the Development Control Committee where at least one objection from a ward councillor, who is acting following a written request from a constituent or constituents, is received, thus allowing the public to air their views and the application to be given due consideration by democratically elected councillors from all political parties.”


The Executive Leader reported that further to the position in July 2010 when a similar motion was rejected, a review was currently underway which could include a provision for a ward councillor to refer an item to Development Control Committee for decision, where the objector has submitted a written objection based on a material and substantial planning consideration. This would require Constitutional change and would be the subject of a future report to Council. 


RESOLVED – that the motion be withdrawn, on the basis that a provision will be introduced for a ward councillor to refer an item to Development Control Committee for decision where they have received a written objection based on “a material and substantial planning consideration”. This to be the subject of a report to a future meeting of the Council and to include the required change to the Constitution.

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