Agenda item

Establishing A Shared Chief Executive Arrangement with Wyre Borough Council

To consider the enclosed report of the Leader of the Council.


The Executive Leader presented a report seeking the Council’s approval to the establishment of a shared Chief Executive arrangement with Wyre Borough Council.


It was moved by the Executive Leader, seconded by the Deputy Leader and RESOLVED that the Council’s Procedure Rules be waived to allow the Chief Executive to speak at the meeting in explanation of the proposal.


The Chief Executive confirmed that she had been approached by Wyre Council to establish the shared arrangement, under which Chorley’s Chief Executive would cover both Councils as their Head of Paid Service.  The approach represented Wyre Council’s recognition of Chorley Council’s past performance and achievements.  The Chief Executive would remain employed by Chorley Council on the same salary, but Chorley would benefit from Wyre Council’s monthly contributions to cover 50% of the cost of the Chief Executive’s salary and other associated on costs.  The Chief Executive’s performance targets would remain to be set and monitored by the established Member Panel and she would remain to be contactable by Members through e-mail or telephone at any time, whether she was working in Chorley or at Wyre’s offices.


The Council’s Procedure Rules were re-imposed at this point.


Several enquiries and concerns were raised by a number of Councillors, particularly in relation to the commencement date for the arrangement; the timing of the announcement of the proposal to both authorities’ Members; whether a comprehensive analysis of the specific benefits of the proposal had been undertaken; whether costs would be shared on a proportional basis; the practical operational issues; and means of monitoring the performance and cost effectiveness of the arrangement.


In response, the Executive Leader clarified that the start date for the arrangement had been agreed by both authorities as 1 November 2010 for practical operational reasons, subject to both Councils endorsing the plans; notification of the proposals had been given to Members after Wyre Council’s intention to proceed with the arrangement had been made known; the arrangement presented an opportunity to secure over £85,000 from Wyre Council towards this Council’s management costs; the Chief Executive’s performance targets would remain unaffected by the arrangement; and the arrangement would be monitored and steps taken to terminate the agreement if it failed to operate satisfactorily.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was moved by the Executive Leader and seconded by the Deputy Leader:


(1)       That Members approve the sharing of the post of Chief Executive with Wyre Borough Council, subject to the management arrangements set out in the submitted report.


(2)       That authority be delegated to the Director of Transformation, in consultation with the Executive Leader, to complete a legal agreement with Wyre to establish a shared Chief Executive arrangement under section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972.


(3)       That authority be delegated to the Director of Transformation, in consultation with the Executive Leader, to agree any consequential changes to the Chief Executive’s terms and conditions, in line with the contents of the submitted report.


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Alistair Bradley and seconded by Councillor Peter Wilson:


            “That a decision to establish a shared Chief Executive with Wyre BC be deferred, subject to a full Overview and Scrutiny inquiry in order that a detailed assessment and analysis of all costs and benefits to both Councils is produced, and also to propose appropriate control mechanisms which will allow a transparent process to be established.  This process to report by the end of January 2011, for consideration at a Special Council meeting in February 2011, which will also consider the veracity of information included within the report.”


Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


It was subsequently RESOLVED:


(1)       That Members approve the sharing of the post of Chief Executive with Wyre Borough Council, subject to the management arrangements set out in the submitted report.


(2)       That authority be delegated to the Director of Transformation, in consultation with the Executive Leader, to complete a legal agreement with Wyre to establish a shared Chief Executive arrangement under section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972.


(3)       That authority be delegated to the Director of Transformation, in consultation with the Executive Leader, to agree any consequential changes to the Chief Executive’s terms and conditions, in line with the contents of the submitted report.


The Mayor expressed his best wishes to the Chief Executive for the future success of the new arrangement.

Supporting documents: