Agenda item

Refresh of the Corporate Strategy 2010/11 to 2013/14

Report of the Chief Executive (attached).


The Executive Member for Policy and Performance, Councillor Greg Morgan, presented a report proposing a revised Corporate Strategy for 2010/11 to 2013/14.  The Corporate Strategy is the key document in the Council’s Corporate business planning process and helps deliver the Council’s vision, priorities, strategic outcomes and targets.


The revised Corporate Strategy had been refreshed in the light of recent changes made to the Sustainable Community Strategy which had been subject to extensive consultation with residents, Members and partners.


The report summarised the changes proposed including:


·              a change to the Council’s vision statement;

·              changes in the Council’s priorities to match those in the Sustainable Community Strategy;

·              changes to the strategic objectives and long term outcomes with nine strategic objectives setting out how the Council will reach its priorities and vision;

·              a reduced number of measures but with a greater focus on the long term with targets based on the latest performance to ensure the Council remains top performing.


Members debated the provisions within the Corporate Strategy with comments raised about town centre floorspace; healthy lifestyle; the new NHS Commissioning Board; targets for volunteering; older people and physical activity; winter maintenance in the Town Centre; and PCSO provision.  Members were advised that the Council was awaiting details of the financial settlement for 2011/12 and therefore delivery of the Strategy would be dependent on the funding made available by central government.


The following amendment was proposed by Councillor Peter Wilson and seconded by Councillor Alistair Bradley:


“that two new measures be included under You and Your Family

         ·       a target of 22.6% by 2012 for older people volunteering; and

         ·       to seek year on year increases in the rate of physical activity in older people.”


A recorded vote was requested and taken:


For:          N Ball, J Berry, A Bradley, T Brown, C France, A Gee, C Hoyle, H Khan, R Lees, L Lennox, A Lowe, M Lowe, J Molyneaux, B Murray, J Snape, R Snape, P Wilson and K Ball.


Against:  E Bell, P Case, H Caunce, A Cullens, M Devaney, David Dickinson, Doreen Dickinson, P Goldsworthy, M Gray, A Hansford, P Haughton, H Heaton, K Iddon, K Joyce, P Malpas, G Morgan, S Moulton, M Muncaster, M Perks, A Platt, D Platt, G Russell, R Russell, E Smith, J Walker and S Walsh.


The amendment was LOST.



A further four amendments, proposed by Councillor Alistair Bradley and seconded by Councillor Peter Wilson were put forward for improving Chorley:


“1.     In order to deliver a Safer Cleaner Chorley, the Council will guarantee funding of PCSOs to at least the current level plus annual inflation cost, the restitution of the Alley Gate Scheme, increased street cleaning and the additional gritting of Town and Village Centres.  (4, 5, 6)


 2.     In order to encourage strong family and respectful communities, the Council will re-instate the key project to promote and support an action plan to increase volunteering.  (1, 5)


 3.     To increase Health and Family Support the Council will re-instate the targets relating to Young and Older Person engagement in physical activity, as a minimum line with previous targets.  (1, 3, 4)


 4.     To help secure a Vibrant Local Economy, a key project be undertaken to secure more inward investment in particular for start-up businesses.  (7)”


The four amendments were put to the vote en bloc and LOST.



A further amendment, proposed by Councillor Alistair Bradley and seconded by Councillor Peter Wilson was put forward for improving the Council:


         “In order to be seen as an excellent community leader – broadcast Council meetings via the internet, thereby making the decision making process available to all and increasing community engagement.”


The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.


The Executive Leader, Councillor Peter Goldsworthy proposed, the Executive Member for Policy and Performance, Councillor Greg Morgan seconded, and it was RESOLVED – That the Corporate Strategy for 2010/11 to 2013/14 be approved as circulated with the agenda.

Supporting documents: