Agenda item

In accordance with procedure Rule 1.7 (c) the following request has been received for an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council

“We write to request an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to allow all councillors the opportunity to debate the proposed appointment of a new Chief Executive and associated management restructure.


Given the timeframe we understand has been put in place for the appointment, we request that this meeting is held before the Executive Cabinet scheduled for 23 June 2011, in order that all members of the Council have the opportunity to discuss and influence any decisions made in relation to this matter.”



Councillor Peter Wilson

Councillor June Molyneaux

Councillor Beverley Murray

Councillor Hasina Khan

Councillor Pauline Phipps.


The Mayor announced that the Extraordinary Council Meeting had been called by five Councillors on the following basis:


“We write to request an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to allow all councillors the opportunity to debate the proposed appointment of a new Chief Executive and associated management restructure.


Given the timeframe we understand has been put in place for the appointment, we request that this meeting is held before the Executive Cabinet scheduled for 23 June 2011, in order that all members of the Council have the opportunity to discuss and influence any decisions made in relation to this matter.”


The request had been signed by Councillors Peter Wilson, June Molyneaux, Beverley Murray, Hasina Khan, Pauline Phipps.


The Mayor asked the meeting to consider whether it was appropriate to exclude the press and public and it was RESOLVED – that the press and public be now excluded from the meeting by virtue of Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Councillor Alistair Bradley, Leader of the Labour Group stated that his group had called the meeting to express their concern at the lack of transparency in the process of the appointing of a new Chief Executive and to request a more considered process which involved the full Council and included seeking external candidates for the post.  He circulated a copy of an email exchange between himself and the Executive Leader Councillor Peter Goldsworthy about the appointments process.


Councillor Peter Goldsworthy referred to the role of the Council in approving the eventual appointment, the role of Executive Cabinet in approving managerial structures; and the role of the Appointments Panel in undertaking the interview process and recommending a suitable candidate for full Council approval. The Appointments Panel was politically balanced having recently been appointed at Annual Council.


During the debate which followed, Councillor Dennis Edgerley referred to the need for an open process, the change in responsibilities of the Council since the last Chief Executive appointment and the need to look at the salary levels for the post of Chief Executive in other comparable and neighbouring Councils.


Councillor Alan Cullens referred to the high cost of using external recruitment agencies and national press advertisements and reported that for this appointment, North West Employers would validate the recruitment process to ensure fairness.


Other Councillors raised opportunities to seek a further joint appointment; questioned the desirability of undertaking a management restructure before a Chief Executive had been appointed; asked why the Council appeared to be rushing to appoint; and how the salary level of £110,000 had been determined.


The Executive Leader in response referred to the current excellent senior management team and the high quality of the candidates; the savings accrued from making an internal appointment; his confidence in the judgement of the Appointments Panel.


Councillor Peter Wilson proposed, Councillor Denis Edgerley seconded, and it was RESOLVED that a salary level of £100,000 for the post of Chief Executive be taken into consideration by the Executive Cabinet in their consideration of the matter on 23 June 2011.


Councillor Peter Wilson proposed and Councillor Paul Walmsley seconded a further proposal that the appointment of the Chief Executive goes immediately to both external and internal competition. On being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED that this proposal be rejected.


Councillor Peter Wilson proposed and Councillor Chris France seconded a third proposal, that the basis of the appointment of the Chief Executive be on a 12 months basis. On being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED that this proposal be rejected, with the vote recorded as follows:


In support of the proposal:

Councillors J Berry, A Bradley, T Brown, M Crow, D Edgerley, C France, A Gee, C Hoyle, H Khan, R Lees, A Lowe, M Lowe, J Molyneaux, S Murfitt, B Murray, P Phipps, P Walmsley and P Wilson.


Against the proposal:

Councillors K Ball, E Bell, H Caunce, A Cullens, M Cullens, David Dickinson, P Goldsworthy, M Gray, A Hansford,  H Heaton, K Iddon, K Joyce, G Morgan, S Moulton, M Muncaster, M Perks, A Platt, D Platt, G Russell, R Russell, J Snape, R Snape, J Walker, S Walsh and the Mayor, Councillor P Case.