Members of the Forum are welcome to inform other members of upcoming event, give feedback or notices.
Chorley Holocaust Memorial Day
Sarah James advised that Chorley Holocaust Memorial Day Service would take place on Saturday 28 January 2012 at the Cenotaph in Astley Park, Chorley, starting at 10.45am. Tea and coffee would be available afterwards in the Council Chamber, Town Hall from 11.30am.
Chorley Council Core Funding 2012/13
The application process for Chorley Council Core Funding 2012/13 was now open to allow VCFS organisations to submit applications with a closing date of 3 February 2012. There will be three funds available in 2012/13, including small community grants, large core funding and a project fund. The full amount to be awarded through this process was yet to be decided and subject to approval through the Chorley Council Budget allocation in February. The guidance and application forms are available as a link from this agenda item.
Keep warm and well this winter
The Council were running a “keep warm and well this winter” campaign, for people aged 75 and over. The funding for this was only until 31 March 2012. For full details see the Council’s website, call 01257 515151 or email quoting 'keep warm and well this winter'. Further information is available as a link from this agenda item.
LGBT history month
John Miller reported that February was LGBT history month and that an event was taking place in Leyland Library on Tuesday 21 February from 6.30pm until 8.30pm, hosted by Lancashire County Council. There would be talks, music, displays and information stands. Admission was free and refreshments were included. Contact Keith Burrows to book your place: 01772 458 500 or Further information is available as a link from this agenda item.
Chorley FM
John Miller advised that Chorley FM have a slot for promoting local events. To use this facility please email a week prior to the event.
Smoke Alarm Fire Education Roadshow (SAFER)
Peter Cogley reported that, following the six recent tragic fire deaths, local Fire Stations would be open on Saturday 21 January between 11am and 5pm. Just call in for a free smoke alarm and fire safety advice. Suzie Jones queried whether it would be possible to have an old smoke alarm as her dog was trained to act on the old alarm. Peter suggested she call into her local Fire Station and ask.
Chorley Voluntary Community and Faith Sector Network
Geraldine Moore reported Chorley Voluntary Community and Faith Sector Network were exploring gaps and identifying opportunities for volunteering. Part of this included an event on Volunteering Workshop on Thursday 26 January 2012 at St Josephs Parish Centre, Harpers Lane, Chorley. The agenda for this meeting is available as a link from this agenda item.
A further event has been highlighted since the meeting
The Equality Delivery System, to be held on 12 March at Blackburn King Georges Hall in the Northgate Suite from 10am until 1pm. A flyer is available as a link from this agenda item.
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