Agenda item

Chorley Council Partnership Performance Monitoring - Second Quarter 2012/13

Report of the Chief Executive (enclosed)


The Chief Executive submitted a report setting our performance against the delivery of the Corporate Strategy and key performance indicators during the second quarter of 2012/13, 1 July to 30 September 2012.


Overall performance remained excellent, with the majority of projects on track or completed. Only two projects were rated ‘amber’ and an explanation of the reasons and action being taken to bring them back on track was provided:

·         Explore the development of a service package of accommodation for 16/17 year olds

·         Implementation of a framework for strategic partners


Following the refresh of the Corporate Strategy, the report provided the Panel with an update on all projects which had not yet been completed and identified those that would be managed through service improvement going forward. It was also explained that one project, the implementation of the customer services migration plan had been carried over into the new strategy.


Performance on the Corporate Strategy measures and key service delivery indicators remained good with 67% of the measures and 80% of the key performance indicators performing above target or within the 5% tolerance.


The Councils new website had been launched and had received good feedback. The website will increase self-service functionality and encourage customers’ to transact with the Council online. The new my account facility was still in the process of being developed to ensure that the product was not only fit for purpose for Chorley residents, but was a secure platform for the Council. Members thought that this was a fantastic application for residents and asked to be kept informed on the progress of its implementation.


The implementation of a framework for strategic partnerships had been delayed due to dependencies on other projects such as the Transactional Services Review that incorporated the new working arrangements for the Revenue and Benefits Service.


The development of an action plan to tackle social isolation in the borough had now been completed and was now available on the Councils website.


Only four key service and delivery measures were performing below target:

·         Percentage of 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)

·         Percentage of new businesses established; and

·         Percentage of customers satisfied with the way they were treated by the Council

·         Processing of planning applications as  measured against targets for ‘minor’

In each case an action plan had been developed to outline what action needed to be taken to improve performance.


The Panel were informed that the percentage of 16-18 years olds not in NEETS had improved and as at 31 October 2012 the NEET figure was 5.2% young people against a Lancashire target of 6.2% and a Chorley target of 5.1%. College enrolment figures were now residency based which helps Chorley who has no 16-19 provision within the borough.


The new Customer Satisfaction survey had not been particularly well answered in terms of quantity but the Council had been able to act upon the information received. One of the main areas for concern had been officers not getting back to people on more detailed service issues and steps have been taken to address this.


Members felt that some elements of the Customer Care Policy needed updating and the Head of Policy and Communications promised to look into this matter.



1.    That the report be noted.

2.      That the Head of Policy and Communications assess what changes need to be made to the Customer Services Policy.

Supporting documents: