Agenda item

Scrutiny Focus -Streetscene Modernisation

Report of the Chief Executive (enclosed)


The Panel received a report that provided some contextual information and initial questions to help Members understand the performance of streetscene and it was reported that performance against the key indicators for the service was excellent compared to the targets set, with all being achieved.


The service had recently undertaken a modernisation project over the last year, to review working practices and ensure they were fit for purpose. A strategy had been developed and the Panel were provided with an action plan that provided details on the development action taking place within the service. Under four main headings:

·         Leadership Development

·         Modern Working Arrangements

·         Service Delivery and Support Services

·         Business Development Opportunities


The Head of Streetscene attended the meeting and explained that the service were currently undertaking a benchmarking exercise that would provide them with appropriate data from which to develop a set of relevant performance indicators to help further develop the service. Members asked if a performance indicator could be implemented on grass cutting.


A customer satisfaction survey was now undertaken each month and against a sample of customers who had been in contact with the service the previous month resulting in a more meaningful feedback that could be used to improve services and better manage staff by improving training methods or making appropriate changes to maintenance schedules.


A new structure had been implemented that brought all the different teams together under one overarching Manager and two team leaders. The result has been that the service now has as a multi skilled pool of staff that can better respond to the needs of the service. Staff are more engaged in the work of the service are actively encouraged to suggest any improvements for service delivery.


The restructure of the services had generated £58,000 of savings in 2012/13, with a further £154,000 identified for 2013/14. These had been identified as part of the corporate savings programme for the Council, although there would be budget investment proposals for the service and the service had increased its income generating possibilities.


The service was also working more closely with the Customer Services Team to ensure that staff in Contact Chorley were adequately trained and informed on how to deal with the different services within streetscene to ensure better customer satisfaction.


The Council had invested in 300 (25% of total stock) new bins across the borough in 2012/13. The new bins had an increased capacity (20%) for the same price and can also accept dog waste. The Clean-up Chorley campaign that included the Dirty Dog Campaign had been well received with more skip days and increased patrols planned for the New Year and the service had also rolled out a bus shelter improvement programme across the borough.


Members asked when the new bus timetable information would be displayed at the bus stops. Initial contact with the bus companies had led the Council to believe that the timetables would be being displayed again but as they had not yet materialised, further endeavours would be made.


The Chair on behalf of the Panel thanked the Head of Streetscene for attending the meeting. The Chair also commented that he had been disappointed that Executive Member for Places had been unable to attend the meeting and asked that the Cabinet be asked to consider sending a substitute upon such occasions.



1.    That the report be noted.

2.    That grass cutting be a performance indicator for streetscene services.

3.    That the Director of People and Places find out when the bus timetable will be displayed at bus stops across the borough.

4.      That the Executive Cabinet considers sending substitutes to Panel meetings when the relevant portfolio holder is unable to attend.

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