Agenda item

Capital Programme Monitoring 2012/13 and 2013/14-2015/16 Programme

To receive and consider the report of the Chief Executive (enclosed). 


1.         Recommendation to Council supported.

2.         Recommendation to Council supported.


The Executive Member for Resources, Policy and Performance explained that the report updated the Capital Programme for 2012/13 to take account of proposed budget changes and the rephasing of expenditure between years.  The report also updated capital budgets for 2013/14 and 2014/15 and added estimated budgets for 2015/16.


Executive Cabinet in November recommended the 2012/13 to 2014/15 Capital Programme should be increased in respect of additional refuse and recycling bins; Housing renewal, funded by a repaid grant; and minor improvements were transferred to the revenue budget.


The 2012/13 Capital Programme would now be reduced.  The reduction consisted of £224,460 additional expenditure less £68,470 transferred to the revenue budget and £728,410 rephased to later years.


The 2013/14 Capital Programme would be increased to take account of the net rephasing of expenditure, and grossing up the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) budget by to include costs funded by housing associations.  The 2014/15 Capital Programme would be increased as a result of rephasing budgets and resources, and grossing up the DFGs budget.


The 2015/16 Capital Programme would consist of the regular commitments.  These would be Asset Improvements, DFGs, Leisure Centre Improvements and Refuse and Recycling Bins.



Decision made

1.      That the Council be recommended to approve the proposed amendments to the Capital Programme for 2012/13, as presented in columns (2) and (3) of Appendix 1.

2.      That the Council be recommended to approve the proposed amendments to the Capital Programmes for 2013/14 to 2015/16, as presented in columns (2), (3), (6), (7), (10) and (11) of Appendix 2.


Reason(s) for decision

1.      The 2012/13 Capital Programme should be increased to include the demolition of the Clayton Brook public house and landscaping of the site, at an estimated cost of £82,500.  This would be financed with funds receivable on termination of the lease.

2.      An additional allocation of £95,230 Government funding for Disabled Facilities grants has been awarded in 2012/13.  In addition, the DFG budgets for 2012/13 to 2015/16 should be grossed up to include the estimated costs expected to be funded by housing associations.

3.      The budget for the access road improvements at Duxbury Golf Course should be grossed up to £101,850 to include expenditure to be funded with an external contribution.  A Play and Recreation Fund scheme at Longfield Avenue Coppull should also be increased by £11,000 to include external funding.

4.      The Asset Improvements budget should be reduced by £68,470 to cover minor office improvements and furniture purchases charged to the revenue budget.

5.      Other budgets in 2012/13 should be reduced by a net total of £728,410 due to rephasing of expenditure, as presented in column (2) of Appendix 1.

6.      The Capital Programmes for 2013/14 to 2015/16 should be updated to take account of the rephasing of expenditure, and grossing up DFG budgets by £68,670 each year.  In addition, the financing of the provisional budgets for 2015/16 should be considered.  Apart from grants for housing expenditure receivable in 2015/16 or rephased from 2012/13, the only source of funding assumed at present is prudential borrowing.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected


Supporting documents: