Agenda item

Case studies

The Group will look at the four case studies that were identified and using the Integrated Impact Assessment will consider how health and wellbeing benefits can be maximised and what needs to have taken place to achieve this.


·         Southlands High School: Playing Pitches – Chorley Town West

·         Canal Walk: Play Area – Chorley Town East

·         Greenside: Playing Pitches – Euxton, Astley and Buckshaw

·         Coronation Recreation Ground: Multi-use facility – Chorley Town West


The Group looked at the first two case studies in turn to assess whether they thought that the health and wellbeing benefits where being maximised to their full potential.


An Inequalities Impact Assessment is the tool used to make this assessment and one of the sections contained within relates specifically to health. The current Health Impact Assessment asks - What potential impact does the activity make upon:


Encouraging healthy lifestyles across Chorley’s population, with possible issues to consider being:

·         Diet and nutrition

·         Exercise and physical activity

·         Substance use; tobacco, alcohol and drugs

·         Risk taking behaviour

·         Education and learning, or skills


Promoting a positive social environment for all of Chorley’s residents, with issues to consider being:

·         Social status

·         Employment (paid or unpaid)

·         Social/family support

·         Stress/Mental Health

·         Income


Promoting a positive physical environment across Chorley with possible issue to consider being:

·         Living conditions

·         Working conditions

·         Accidental injuries or public safety

·         Transmission of infectious disease


The latest health indicators across the borough had recently been released and the Chair requested that these be brought to the next meeting of the Group.


The Chair also inquired as to how other authorities measured their health impact in relation to play areas and open spaces and asked if some benchmarking could be done with our neighbouring councils.


Southlands High School:


Members thought that the whole site and facilities were fit for purpose and that the ground that was available on site was being maximised. There appeared to be good access to the facilities and adequate parking.


The High School is classified as a Sports Academy and works in partnership with the Councils Sports Development Team. A Business Manager is in post and the facilities are advertised to the wider community for use at a cost. The Academy is structured and activities are planned and well organised.


The Group thought that it would be beneficial to interview the Business Manager and asked officers to make the necessary arrangements.

Members had a number of questions that they wished to ask that included:

·         How many different sectors of the community used the facilities

·         Are the facilities used by the immediate community or the wider community?

·         Are there sufficient facilities to meet demand?

·         Are there any negative impacts on local residents, for example parking issues outside school hours?

·         How are the community encouraged to use the facilities that are on offer?

·         Do the school keep any records of the health and fitness levels of its pupils?

·         Does the Academy link in with any other secondary or primary schools in the borough?



Canal Walk:


The land has two different owners and as such the open space is not maintained as it should be. Poor consultation in the past had resulted in the space not being used to its maximum potential and reports of anti-social behaviour were becoming more frequent. Places for People had submitted a planning application for housing development that had since been retracted.

Access is not great and with a Canal nearby, there is a danger to children. The land is also in a low deprivation area in terms of health.


Recently a Residents Association has been constituted and they have been very proactive. Consultation has taken place with the nearby residents as to what they would like to see the land used for and have drawn up a plan of action. This group have been maintaining the site, ensuring that the grass get cut and have held a number of social events to encourage greater interaction with local residents. They are undertaking partnership working with Groundwork on a neighbourhood project.


The residents have lots of ideas for the space that include, a bandstand, static fitness equipment and play provision, a food growing area and wildlife garden/beach. They need help to maximise the land to its full potential and how to access funding that may be available from bodies such as the CO-OP, Awards for All and the National Lottery.


A number of Members had to leave to attend another meeting so it was AGREED to look at the remaining case studies at the next meeting.



1.    That the latest public health indicators be brought to a future meeting.

2.    That officers contact some of our neighbouring authorities to ascertain best practice when measuring the impact of health in this area.

3.    That the Business Manager of Southlands be invited to attend a future meeting or a meeting with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Group

4.    That the remaining two case studies be assessed at the next meeting of the Group.

Supporting documents: