Agenda item

Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 - Inspector's Partial Report

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Partnerships, Planning and Policy (enclosed). 


1.         Recommendation approved.

2.         Recommendation noted.

3.         Recommendation noted.


The Executive Member for LDF and Planning informed Members of the progress of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026.


The report highlighted some of the main changes that had been considered necessary by the Inspector, following the examination hearing, to make the Chorley Local Plan sound. 


The Council was currently awaiting the results of a Central Lancashire Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople study which would be consulted on in January 2014.


A reconvened Examination would consider the results of this study and this was currently programmed to be held in April 2014.  Should the Inspector consider further modifications necessary these would be consulted upon following the Examination allowing a final report to be produced in August and the Local Plan to be adopted in September 2014.


The Inspector stated in her partial report that because of the very advanced stage in the examination process that the main modifications had reached, significant weight should be attached to all policies and proposals of the Plan that were amended accordingly.


The Park Hall/Camelot site had not been allocated, but the Inspector had stated that as it is a previously developed site, it could come forward as a windfall site in the Green Belt, provided that any proposal for its redevelopment satisfied other relevant policies of the Plan.  The Inspector had also proposed an extension to the boundary of the Park Hall/Camelot previously developed site.


On areas of separation the Inspector changed the Policy to “Areas of Separation are also designated Green Belt” from “Here development will be restricted, including all forms of development considered appropriate in the Green Belt”.  The two Areas of Separation as shown on the Policies Map are between Chorley and Euxton and Chorley and Whittle-le-Woods.


The Council had not included an allowance for slippage or for windfall sites (sites that come forward over the plan period that have not yet been identified) in the submitted Local Plan.  However, during the examination hearings the Inspector suggested that the Council take account of slippage, suggesting initially that an allowance of up to 20% would normally be considered.  She also suggested that a windfall allowance could be included.  Further evidence was submitted and based upon this evidence the Inspector had accepted that the following was appropriate in the Chorley context:

·                A slippage rate of 5% on large allocated housing sites

·                A slippage rate of 20% on the small non-allocated existing housing commitments (sites that have planning permission, but which have not been allocated)

·                A windfall allowance of 451 dwellings over the plan period


In addition, the Inspector recommended that the Council review/amend Policy HS2: Phasing of Housing Development to make it more ‘flexible’ and highlight that the schedule was purely indicative only.  This was considered necessary as its approach reflected an outdated plan, manage and monitor approach to planning policy and not the positive approach of the Framework that sought to boost significantly the supply of housing.


It was noted that the site at Cowling Mill had not been allocated as it fell within Flood zone 3.


Decision made

1.         Approval granted to accept the Inspector’s modifications and to vary the plan accordingly.

2.         That it is now a significant material consideration for Development Management purposes when determining applications be noted.

3.         That the removal of Policy HW8: Hot Food Takeaways and the commencement of a review of the Access to Healthy Food SPD be specifically noted.


Reason(s) for decision

To allow the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 Partial Report to be used for Development Management Purposes.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected


Supporting documents: