Agenda item

Croston Flood Risk Management Scheme Update

Report of Director of Public Protection, Streetscene and Community.


1.         The update provided in the report was noted.

2.         That the Council continue to proactively seek contributions from other partners and central government in order to bridge the gap.

3.         To recommend to Full Council that Chorley Council contribute £600,000 to the project, in the event of partners and central government funding not bridging the gap.

4.         That the Council consults with Croston Parish Council and all Croston residents regarding the possible introduction of a local levy, or equivalent recharge, to fund the remaining £500K, in the event of partners and central government funding not bridging the gap.


As there were members of the public present for this item the Chair agreed to take this item of business first.


The report of the Director of Public Protection, Streetscene and Community was presented by the Executive Member (Resources), Councillor Peter Wilson.


Following the previous meeting on in June the Council had written to partners and central government to seek further contributions towards the scheme.  Unless agreement on how to fund the £1.1M was reached and confirmed by November 2014, the scheme would not go ahead and the funding already secured would be allocated to other schemes.


A reply had been received from the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirming that no further funding would be made available for the scheme.  A reply from LCC had also been received together with a commitment to provide £80K of additional funding subject to budget approval. Together with the £266K previously committed to the scheme, this would bring LCC’s total contribution to £346K and would reduce the funding gap to £1.02M. 


Several Councillors voiced concerns about the financial impact of a levy on the residents of Croston.  It was noted that it was an unsatisfactory situation, but one that needed to be resolved to ensure the scheme went ahead.  The Lower Yarrow Flood Action Group had been instrumental in the improvements already made in the area. 


The Executive Leader explained that the Council would continue to proactively seek contributions from other partners and central government in order to bridge the gap.  The wish was for authorities to contribute in proportion to their responsibilities. 


Members discussed the amount of the potential levy for residents of Croston, over 25 years for a Band D property would be £32 per year.  A suggestion was made that areas upstream of Croston could also be asked to contribute. 


The Executive Leader assured Members and residents that the resolution of the issue was an important priority for the Council. 



1.         The update provided in the report was noted.

2.         That the Council continue to proactively seek contributions from other partners and central government in order to bridge the gap.

3.         To recommend to Full Council that Chorley Council contribute £600,000 to the project, in the event of partners and central government funding not bridging the gap.

4.         That the Council consults with Croston Parish Council and all Croston residents regarding the possible introduction of a local levy, or equivalent recharge, to fund the remaining £500K, in the event of partners and central government funding not bridging the gap.


Reasons for decision: To support the proposed flood risk management scheme for Croston and to seek approval for an approach to raise a £1.1M funding contribution.


Alternative options considered and rejected: Not to contribute any funding. This would mean that the scheme would be unlikely to proceed, the £4.5M funding would be allocated to another scheme, and Croston residents would not benefit from improved flood protection.

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