Agenda item

Play, Open Spaces and Playing Pitch Strategy

Report of Director of Public Protection, Streetscene and Community. 


1.         The Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy was approved.

2.         The list of actions in response to the consultation was approved and would be incorporated into the final Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy.


The report of the Director of Public Protection, Streetscene and Community was presented by the Executive Member (Community Services), Councillor Bev Murray.


The Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy provided a five year action plan to protect, manage, enhance and secure sites and identify deficiencies and future priorities.


Consultation took place with a wide range of stakeholders from 11 November 2013 until 14 February 2014.  A total of 45 responses were received from a range of stakeholders including the Football Association, Chorley Allotments Society, Sports Clubs, schools as well as local ward and parish Councillors and residents.


Following approval of the proposed actions in response to the consultation the strategy would be revised and formally adopted.  The strategy would be implemented from 2014-19 and therefore the year one – five actions would be re-phased (year one to commence starting 2014-15).  The action plan was subject to funding being available and further consultation / planning permission (as required) and this would influence timescales and delivery of the action plan.  Therefore, some actions might need to be revised and reprogrammed accordingly.


A budget of £50K had been included in the capital programme to fund year one actions within the strategy.  This would be allocated to the play area schemes listed within the action plan.  Developer contributions and Council funding for year two-five actions needed to be considered further.  Council funding required in future years would be put forward as budget growth items in the Council’s capital programme.


The strategy provided a framework to inform future investment and development of open space across Chorley.  However, should there be a separate business case for an individual scheme not currently identified within the strategy; the Council would retain the flexibility to consider such schemes on a case by case basis.


Following the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group report, considered earlier on the agenda, an updated IIA had been produced (attached at Appendix 3).  As well as applying the IAA to the overall strategy it also needed to be applied at a more detailed level e.g. individual play and open space schemes.  Therefore, individual IIA’s would be applied to each of the actions within the strategy (where relevant) prior to implementation.  This would ensure that all of the actions had a clear focus on maximising health and well-being outcomes.


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee asked several questions of the Executive Member for Community Services relating to the allocation of funding, prioritisation of the Osborne Drive play area and the planned future provision of only 2 new play areas but 6 new football pitches.  He also raised the completion of Integrated Impact Assessments, future allotment provision and partnership working with Cuerden Valley. 



1.         The Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy was approved.

2.         The list of actions in response to the consultation was approved and would be incorporated into the final Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy.


Reasons for decision: To seek approval of the Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy fowling consultation.


Alternative options considered and rejected: None.

Supporting documents: